

Kate and Kevin 💕❤🎯
The setting was perfect. Candlelight flickered in the windows, casting a soft glow over the room. The polished cutlery gleamed in the light, and a single rose set in a delicate vase graced each table. Roses and lavender scented the air. Morgie's restaurant, located in Ntinda, an upscale suburb, a few kilometres from Kampala, is the best and most exotic restaurant in the city.

Kevin breathed deeply and entered the dimly-lit restaurant. The aroma of spiced foods and delicately roasted barbecue meat and chicken on open charcoal stoves floated in the still evening air. I felt my heart pounding in my chest. I had been waiting for this night for weeks.

As my gaze traversed the room, I saw him standing across from me. He wore blue jeans, white polo shirt, and a pair of dark tan loafers. He was even more attractive than I had imagined. When Kevin smiled at me, my heart melted. I experienced a warm sensation in my stomach.

He walked over to me and greeted me warmly. We shook hands and made our way to our reserved table. A dark and stout waiter walked up to our table and handed us well-bound menus.

Kevin requested a bottle of Nicolas Van Der Merwe Cabernet Sauvignon, a well-known South African red wine. We had tender, roasted chicken, sauted onions and vegetables, and herbs baked potatoes. We talked for hours, and I felt like I had known Kevin for a long time.

The conversation became more intimate as the night progressed. I felt a deeper connection with him, and I knew he felt the same way.

At 11 pm, Kevin walked me to the door. It was getting late. He grasped my hand and kissed it. I have a tendency to be naughty. I pulled him closer and kissed him goodnight. I felt like a thousand bolts of current were passing through my body. It was the most magical kiss I've ever had.

I floated home, knowing that I had found my soulmate.

The next day, I woke up feeling like it was a dream. It was hard to understand what had happened that night. Even at school, Kevin was the shyest boy, but a genius with computers. I had ignored him because he was quiet and not popular.

I glanced at the garden from my window. The red and yellow roses were in full bloom. The weaver birds chirped loudly in the tall palm tree.

I smiled at myself. I was certain that that night would remain with me forever.

Kevin was the subject of my thoughts for the remainder of my day. In my office, I stared blankly at the computer screen. I was excited to see him again.

The next evening, he called me and asked me to go out on another date. Of course, I said yes.

Afterwards, we went on more dates, and I became more and more in love with him every day.

One day, he asked me out to go swimming on the shores of Lake Victoria. As the evening progressed, Kevin knelt and proposed to me. I was on cloud nine. I said yes.

Our wedding took place in his rural village, where we were surrounded by our closest friends and family. Reverend Michaels had blessed our day, and he donated a heifer to begin our dairy farming project. I had the happiest day of my life.

Kevin and I have been married for a long time now, and we are still deeply in love. Our love has always prevailed despite our share of problems and financial meltdowns.

I am thankful for the life we have together, as well as for our six beautiful children.

I know that our love will last forever. Sometimes, real love comes from the people we ignored because we thought we were too good for them. Kevin proved that I was wrong.

© Mwebe Morgan