

There's something about words..
Words that affirm much
A lot of Christians find it difficult to say these words to God.

Even in our relationships with people, a lot of us go like; *“well I know I love you, I don't have to say it"* .... My dear, please start saying it.
We're not in your heart to know what is there and even if you buy gifts to show this, it wouldn't be complete if you've not said anything.

Same thing goes with our relationship with Jesus.. You can serve him, make sacrifices and so on.. Funny enough some persons even say; *“He is God, he knows everything, so he should know that I love him"* well... Yes, he sure knows but say it.. Just try it once, you'd see the difference it'd make in your life and in your relationship with God.

This relationship must work oo
God has not given up so don't plan to.
You too can make this work.
© Anuri