

A Tale Of Eternal Memory
Chapter Six.

She tells me that the world I behold in her summer-sky-painted eyes is, in fact, a true reality.
Not only has she seen this world, she has in quiet moments journeyed through its sacred plains and forests.
She has climbed it's lofty snow-capped mountains, waded it's silver-striated streams and
rivers...and she has voyaged across its vast wave-rippled ocean.
Her spirit explores this world because I am there, and I am waiting for her.
It was my need for her that created this world, yet it is, in fact, all of her creation.
My brushstroke created this world as a portrait replicating the reflection of her secret needs and desires.
She has deemed me worthy to share her secrets, and so here in this world I exist with them alone, to keep them safe, to keep them eternal.
I exist here and wait for her to find me, but I am not her prisoner, for I am here by right and by choice.
I am here because no other man could possibly keep this world sustained, for it demands to be nourished by a pure unselfish spirit, that the birds may sing and the flowers may grow.
And it demands a worthy sacrifice that the seasons might change.
Her spirit created this world, yet my spirit keeps it in motion.
We are, in truth, one spirit.
All universal voyages are undertaken for a single purpose: to recover something that was lost
or forgotten...
Before our eyes opened in the flesh she and I were One: one mind, one spirit, one understanding.
In eternity we existed, without flaw or blemish, until the Seas of Oblivion stirred and rippled upon its surface waters.
And when the Seas grew calm, it's glass-like surface held the reflection of a beautiful and majestic image.
In this image we saw the panoramic scenes of a world filled with every imaginable creation, every thought and every dream, and every desire.
Although a world, it was yet without manifestation, existing in possibility only, reflecting upon us with a hope to entice her and I to weave all that it was into a true reality.
We knew as we gazed upon that world, that it would never survive unless we willingly offered the breath of our spirit to give it life.
Yet for life to arise and be sustained, this world needed not one spirit, but two, for all creations are formed as a result of the unification of opposites.
It was a choice she and I made to split the oneness that we were and become two distinct spirits, opposites, but one and the same.
She the Feminine Spirit, and I the Masculine Spirit.
We understood that we would be made to journey apart from each other, for many ages, in
many lives.
Yet we knew that it would be our mutual desire to find each other in every age, in every life.
And the world that we chose to make held the promise of our eventual reunion.
We stood there beside each other, she and I, and the very thought of her absence filled my spirit with sorrow, deep and dark as the Seas themselves.
She only smiled at me and touched my cheek with a gentle and affectionate hand, and looking into my eyes, she spoke to me.
"Fret not", she said, "my God, my Love, for I shall always be with you."
"And, my Goddess, I shall always find you." I responded.
Then I kissed her precious lips and, hand in hand, we cast our spirit into that beautiful world reflecting upon the Seas of Oblivion.
We cast our spirits into that world, our Child, and the Cycles of Creation began.
© Leonard Rocco Grillo