

Switch: Abby Nockturn
Death comes for everyone no matter who or what they are. I happened to die sooner then I wanted to though. I just got my hair died blue and my parents finally let me get my first phone. I was 14 at the time.

While I was on a bus talking with my crush and friends, the bus suddenly swerved and fell into the lake. I felt my heart beating so fast. We were all going to die.

My crush fell to the ground and was passed out. So much for a hero. I texted my mom and dad saying I loved them but didn't send it in time. The bus windows cracked and water rushed in.

I was on the swim team and almost got out, until someone kept pulling me in. I tried to escape but nothing worked

I screamed for help. Then I saw one of my friends. She had orange hair and green eyes. I called out her name. It was Sarah, no, Becky, Sage! That was it!

She looked at me and grinned while slowly talking until I heard her say "Pathetic"

I felt my head thrusted into the water. Something yanked my hair so far to the left, my bones cracked and I was paralyzed. I was dead.

Before I died, I couldn't even send my parents a text saying I love you or I'm sorry.

Then I heard a voice. It sounded soft. She said something worse though. "We finally killed the lives of more then 5 children. Now he will surely love me, and you'll get your money. Meet me back here at midnight." and they left. I never figured out what happened that night.

Years passed, but then I was able to move my body. I fixed my broken neck. I couldn't leave the lake though. I found my phone deep in the waters depths.

By some miracle, it turned on. I sent my parents the drafted text. They replied back immediately. They wondered if it was a joke. I texted them that it wasn't, that I was a ghost, and to come to lake Chelan. After that, the phone died.

It was 8 hours after I sent the text. I heard footsteps. I went up to the rivers edge. I just had to touch the water of this lake, and everything would be fine.

My parents were old. In there 60's. When they saw me, they cried. I saw my little sister too. She looked like a lawyer. She smiled at me and tried to give me a hug but I told her not to, for consequences may uprise.

They left after talking and came back every Wednesday to meet me. 17 years passed, and they all died too.

It was 2008, when I heard a familiar voice, one that had set a raging fire in me. "Pathetic" was the only thing she said. It sounded like she was also with another girl. I swam closer to the surface and saw men carry a body on a cross into this very lake.

I managed to whisper into the person's ear, " Never trust a fake person, they'll just be a worser person."

I wanted revenge on Sage and whoever that other girl was. As long as my soul is on Earth, they will suffer the consequences of me.

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