

Chapter 3 : Something SUSPICIOUS

"Shekhar's heart raced as he turned the ring over in his hand, the bold, capital 'M' glinting in the dim light of the cabaret. The envelope, sealed with a wax stamp bearing the same initial, seemed to burn with an urgent message. He tucked the ring into his pocket and tore open the envelope, his eyes scanning the contents. An address, scribbled in hasty handwriting, seemed to leap off the page. 'Come alone,' the note read. 'Midnight. Your fate awaits.' Shekhar's mind reeled with questions, but one thing was certain: he had to be at that address at midnight. The mysterious patron, the ring, and the message all swirled together in his mind, drawing him into a vortex of intrigue and danger."

"Shekhar's thoughts raced like a runaway train, his mind torn between curiosity and caution. What could this mysterious message mean? Who was behind it, and what did they want from him? He thought about ignoring it, pretending he never received the ring and the note. But his curiosity got the better of him. What if this was an opportunity, a chance to change their fortunes and secure a better life for him and Puja? He glanced at his watch, the hours ticking away until midnight. With a sense of trepidation, he made his decision. He would go to the address, alone, and uncover the truth behind the mysterious message."

"Shekhar's heart raced as the bearded man searched him, his hands patting down his arms and legs with a practiced ease. Satisfied that Shekhar was unarmed, he nodded and led him through the winding lane, the darkness seeming to swallow them whole. The house loomed before them, its windows like empty eyes staring back. The bearded man pushed open the door, and Shekhar's heart skipped a beat as he descended the secret stairs, the air growing thick with anticipation. At the bottom, a dimly lit room stretched out before him, the shadows cast by flickering candles dancing on the walls. The bearded man gestured for him to wait, then disappeared, leaving Shekhar alone in the eerie silence. The door creaked shut behind him, and Shekhar felt a sense of unease settle in, as if he was trapped in a web of secrets and lies ".