

The Silver Bullet: Chapter Six "They fast, but not as fast as me"
As I got back on the Buckboard to ride back to the ranch.

Ernie Tubbs decided he needed to send me a subtle message.

He needed to let me know where my loyalties needed to be.

As the Buckboard was bouncing on the road as the horses were pulling us in a good fast gallop.

Ernie without saying a word dropped the reigns controlling the horses

Grabbed a rifle from underneath the seat.

Then without winking an eye Ernie shot three rabbits going in three different direction.

He then quickly grabbed the reigns from me and brought the horses back under control.

As the horses stopped Ernie took a swig of water

Then said to me with a dead pan face look

"Sam, them rabbits was fast and quick.
Mighty fast and quick, but ya know something?"

"What's that Ernie?"

Ernie paused a moment to smile back at me.
As if he had gotten away with something

" but they wasn't as fast as me."

Ernie didn't have to spell it out for me.
I got the message.

Don't try to be cute or try to get away with something stupid.
I may not enjoy the consequences.

So, instead of trying to say something clever I just gave Ernie his props

"Ernie, that was some good shooting some of the best I ever seen."

"You think so Sam?"

"Well I gotta say it's the best I've seen?"

"That's because you ain't never saw any real shooting before"

I chuckled a bit and said to Ernie

"What do ya mean Ernie?"

"Sam, that because all shooting and gun fighting you know anything about.
Comes from you reading them dime novels at the drug store back where you came from."

I was about to say something, but Ernie motion to me with his hand, letting me know he had more to say.

"Sam, I'm not always good at communicating what I always need to say.
So, Let me say what I need to say real slow.
I wouldn't want they're to be a misunderstanding between us.
Now, would I Sam?

I didn't say a word I just let Ernie keep talking.

"Sam, Mr.Weatherstein has certain expectations he requires from those who work for him"

"And they being?"

"Mr.Weatherstein don't take to kindly to folks that keep secrets from him.
It rather annoys him to the point he has me shoot them.
Just like I shot them rabbits.
So you want to tell me what you and Peter David talked about for over an hour?"

I knew I had to choose my words carefully.
I couldn't straight out lie to Ernie.
It would be easy for him to tell if I was.

I also couldn't tell him what Pete and I talked about.
That would also get me shot

So I was left with telling the truth, but not the whole truth.

"Ernie, it's no big secret.
You shoulda came inside and got some coffee.
Pete and me just shot the crap and talked about guns and bullets."

My answer kinda calmed Ernie's mind down.

We rode the rest of the way back to the ranch with Ernie whistling the Yellow Rose of Texas

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