

murder for what?
Dear Rem,
I’m sorry. I’m so very sorry. Because of me you suffered but this letter is for you. I’m going to tell you the full story about how everything went. I just hope by reading this you will understand why I did what I did. I won’t act like what I did wasn’t wrong but just please forgive me somehow. I’d like to be your friend again soon. This letter isn’t only for you. I sent this same letter to the others too. I just hope that we can all be friends. I will explain what happened last week and maybe you will understand. Please understand why I killed your boyfriend and step-father. I will start from the beginning. The day this all started I was outside in the secret garden your father told us not to go to. I went there to rethink everything. Those past days my secret twin brother died and I was at a loss. It was like I lost a piece of myself. When I was in that garden roaming, I saw something I wasn’t supposed to see. Your step-father and your boyfriend saw me in the garden and they chased after me but I escaped. I tried to find anyone who could help me but for some reason no one helped me. They just ignored my screams. That’s when it started. That’s when my good luck went away. That’s when everything started going downhill for me and you guys started mistaking what happened. I don’t know if they are still after me, they probably are but I would like you guys to hear my part of this story.

© Samantha_Ayala