

thoughts within my mind
I found my mother and I could bloodedly killed her. I gave her no remorse. I went back to America and I started a new life but I still kept suffering. I was in foster care like i didn't know any family members. They didn't suspect much like I hired someone to act like my mother and give me a new identity with the fortune mothers got from my step father's. I found a family but they never really carried for me. They just wanted me to clean and do all the chores like the move cinderella but I ran away. Foster care took me back and found me another family but they tried to kill me. I was feed up with this bad luck and tried to kill myself for the first time. My first time trying to kill myself felt great. I had a gun in my head and shot myself but somehow I survived. I had 4 bullets left so I kept trying but I still failed. A few weeks after I tried drowning like I couldn't swim but that didn't work either. I didn't know what was going on but each time I got more and more pissed at whoever was doing this. I didn't stop trying to kill myself but at the same time I tried to catch the one who kept saving me. And that was the end of my past now I'm here with this annoying doctor who saved my life.

© Samantha_Ayala