

Self Belief
Why do people tell you that you are a pointless waste of space because ultimately it ruins your self belief, I had spent a large part of my life believing I can't do things that I'm more than capable of.
You may think that's a strange image for a story but it's about achievement.
Yesterday I fitted that pipework because I didn't think it was healthy to have toilet waste backing up every time the toilet was flushed, I worked out a way of stopping this by running separate pipework.
Because now I believe in myself I can do a lot of different trades, this to me is great because I used to get stomach cramps at the thought of failing at work, so would return back home, eventually I retired early.
Writing for me is a daily journal that has helped with my self belief, it's a stress breaker.
Nobody is perfect but believe me none us is a pointless waste of space.
Have a beautiful worthwhile day.
© The Imposter 💚🙏