

The darkness untold
The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination? She looked closely outside but there was no one. Then she came near the sofa and sat down and drank a cup of coffee. The fan on the ceiling was making noise. She heard someone walking outside in the garden. She walked to the window and stared outside the window but it was dark and she opened the window and looked left and right. But there was no one and then she came to the kitchen and made something to eat while she was making lasagna. some creepy footstep noise walked to the main door. she got scared and picked up a big knife and then she came close to the door and peeked from the eyehole outside. She saw no one. Her heartbeat was pounding faster and faster. She called the police and then told them everything. 'ok mam we'll be there as soon as possible, said the police man on phone' She walked in the drawing room and sat on sofa. Glass breaking noise came from upside. Window glass broke in the upper room. She stood up and walked to the stairs and then she goes up step by step slowly. There were three rooms in the upper floor. Her heart was pounding more faster. As she opened first door of room there was darkness. She switched on the light and then walked inside and then she saw there was everything alright in that room she walked out of the room and then opened the next door switched on the lights there was water on the floor as she moved inside she saw the leakage of the pipe in the room. Someone banged the main door hard that it echoed. She fell on the floor hearing the door noise and her hands were shaking and she got more scared. As she walked outside of the room and opened the last room and switched on the lights she saw a rock on the floor and the window was broken. She moved near the window and saw outside from the window and there was no one down the road. Just the dim lights and darkness. She heard the noise of the utensils in the kitchen and she rushed to the kitchen from the stairs and fell in the stairs....... If you want to hear the full story like and comment and tell me how you liked this story and I'll write the full story