

in the age of #Tofees.
in that age people died of hunger and thirst,Some spots in this miserable world people even ate each other ,Some ate grass,and some died searching in the desert for something to eat but the golden sands was all they found.
rotten corps, scalps laying under the blue sky of Africa, the mother of nations and beliefs ,yes that is my home .
I live in the North I can see the view of the European lands through that shore .
I'm a Moroccan ambitious boy
in the age of #Tofees mothers boiled rocks in the boilers ,But children thought there is some food in that boiler ,Because their mothers told them that they just need to wait till its well cocked ,But hours went by some of them slept and others couldn't sleep of hunger ,they cried so hard ,some of these kids got beaten but still nothing changed they just kept crying even more ,mourning and yelling .
those who cries dies first at most of times while others get fever and die at the end as well .
What I could not understand was that name that were given to that specific period of time was a confusing word ,it took me years to understand its meaning even if it was so easy .
I know you too so excited to know what it means that's why I'll get you out of the darkness into the light .
#Tofees is actually tow words not as it looks like .
the first word is (To)&(Fees).
To: in my language means forget .
fees:means shot up.
and if you put it together it say shot up and forget .
shot up why?
because they screamed so loud .
forget what ?
asking about food .
that is a piece of what my people suffered from in that age of Hunger.