

Balaam’s Prophecy
Numbers 22:36 – 25:18 & 31:7-16
When Balaam arrived in Moab, King Balak said,
“What took you so long? I said I’d make you a
rich man. Didn’t you believe me?”
Balaam said, “I’m here now, but understand. I
can only say what God tells me to say.”
So Balak took Balaam onto a high cliff
overlooking the entire camp of Israel. Balaam
had the king build altars to the Lord, and they
sacrificed to Him. Balaam told the king to stay
there while he went higher up the mountain to
see what God wanted him to say. God gave
him a message. So he went back to where King
Balak and the elders of Moab were waiting.
Balaam looked out over the people and said,
“King Balak sent for me. He said, ‘Come and
curse Jacob. Come and denounce Israel. But
how can I curse those who God doesn’t curse.
How can I denounce those who God doesn’t
denounce? I stand on these cliffs and look out
over these people. There is no other nation like
them. Oh, that I had a privilege of dying like these
righteous people die.”
King Balak was shocked. He said, “I brought you
here to curse these people – not to bless them!”
Balaam said, “I made it clear. I can only say
what God tells me to say.”
Balak said, “Come with me to a different spot.
From there you will only see part of the people.
Maybe you’ll be able to curse them.” They went
to the second spot, and again they built altars
and scarified to the Lord.
Balaam told the king, “Stay here while I go
talk to God.” The Lord met with Balaam and gave
him words to say. He went back and said, “Oh
King Balak, listen carefully to what I am about to
say. God isn’t like people. He doesn’t change his
mind. He told me to bless the people because
the Lord lives among them. He’s their king, and
they’re happy about that. He brought them out of
Egypt with a mighty hand. So there isn’t a curse
for them. They’ll be known for the great things
God has done for them.”
The king said, “If you can’t curse them, at
least stop giving them a blessing.” Again King
Balak took Balaam to another place so he could
see the people. He said, “Try one more time and
see if there is a curse for these people from here.
Balaam once again had an altar built and they
sacrificed to the Lord. But he didn’t go up the
mountain. As he looked across the valley, the
Spirit of God came upon him. “Oh, the tents of
Israel are beautiful. They’re like a garden that has
been planted by God. Whoever blesses these
people will be blessed. Whoever curses these
people will be cursed.”
Balak was furious. He said, “I’ve brought you
here to curse these people. I would’ve made you
rich, but the Lord robbed you of those riches.
Now go home!”
Balaam said, “I have one more message.
Someone is coming. I can’t see who it is. He is
like a heavenly star. He’ll be the King of Israel.
He’ll have victory over all of his enemies.”
With that, Balaam left, and King Balak went back
to his place. Later, Balaam went to the king and
said, “I can’t curse these people, but you can cause
God to curse them.” And he gave him a plan.
Shortly after that, the women of Moab went
down to the camp of Israel. They had sex with
the men, and then invited them to a festival for
their idols. The men went, and soon they were
worshipping the idols.
God was furious! He sent a plague and 24,000
people died. One of the Israelites brought a
Midianite woman to his family tent. They walked
right past Moses and the elders of Israel. The
son of the high priest took a spear and went into
the tent. He thrust the spear through them both,
killing them on the spot.
With that, God stopped the plague. The Lord
then told Moses, “Take your army. Go, kill the
Moabites and the Midianites because of what
they have done.” The Israeli army went out and
defeated both nations. Among the dead was the
body of Balaam because of the advice he had
given Balak.

© God Child

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