

the secrets
chapter 2
Armaan was dreaming about his trip to Los Angeles.He was going to spend time with his grandparents one last time before travelling overseas.That was when an accident happened breaking him from his reverie.
When he saw every single one of those hooligans running off abandoning their vehicle, his blood started boiling.
It was dark so he couldn't see their faces clearly but there was one more person sitting in the vehicle, probably knocked unconscious.His door was jammed but he could finally make it in time to catch that left out person .
It turned out to be a very pretty girl, with rosy cheeks and long eyelashes.Yet,the way she was unconscious,like she was in a beautiful dream irritated him to no end.
When she did wake up,she was looking for her partners in crime and questioned him with her doubtful eyes.
It truly made Armaan mad.
" Doesn't she know they caused this rampage?My car,my sweetheart is dead due to their blunders?!!"
He wanted to kick her then and there but her first words blanked him out.
" Take me home.I'll pay you for the ride back."

© Aadi