

Living Authentically
Living authentically means living in accordance with one's values.

What do I value in life, the universe, and everything? My values are honesty, sincerity, truthfulness, investigativeness, curiosity, goodness, and compassion. Thus, I need to live in accordance with those.

The specifics of the acts that I do may differ from day to day. Because honesty, sincerity, and truthfulness are important to me, I must almost always speak the truth. Or because investigativeness and curiosity are of significance to me, I must learn things bit by bit day by day. Or because goodness and compassion are important to me, I must be kind to all animals.

I try to live authentically.

One thing to bear in mind is that these values are ideals. I can strive toward them but I also know that I can never be perfect.
I can only strive to leave a meaningful legacy behind me whether it be through my acts, achievements, or writings.
© Cansu Yersal