

Alpha Princess Continue
Princess Alpha
Our days of betting on alpha are over there no need to bet on your creation no more. It's time to find the alpha-omega. I am the alpha and the omega there’s no betting in between me. I create life i end life there no prices to bet on.

I knew this day would come where I'll have to start teaching, but where do I start? There’s so much to cover these days. We got Donald Trump whos the 45th president of the United States. Cardi b, Nicki problem all around us. I know those are not the road map to life. Those teaching will not lead her anywhere but in confusion and I don't want that for her because I have already experienced and i learn the ugly truth. I started my youtube but i can’t seem to find my divine passion that will bestow light upon her life and me. I am into health and herbs,I love learning and studying different herbs but i know that just part of the purpose. Then I met Renee whos also on her way to finding the truth. We have a common interest in health. Something missing. I just don't know what it's. I know i have to start somewhere least the year, dates, number, month somewhere. and, so the searching of finding love begins and every time I look at princess S i see and know that love is written all around her aura and that love is pure, innocent, gentle, kind, loving, its filled with laughter, learning, peace and so forth. I looked her in the eyes and ask her to share that light with me. That’s when i rediscover the bible. I was once a believer in the bible i heard so many lies and truth about it. I didn’t know which one to believe and so i just kick it to the side and never look at it. But i know everywhere i go i take that book with me. Though there is something i disagree with in the Bible. I know the truth need to be decoded and the only way I can do that if i give it a chance again so that I will have something to hold me up until I go deep within my root to find the pieces of information my ancestor implanted within. Today I am standing in front of you to tell you that I am indeed a lost child that grew up to fast without knowledge of self. My time in school was learning other history and not mines. My history was washed off and was taught what they wanted me to learn and not what I needed to. I wasn’t taught that life is indeed the real school. I wasn't taught that the bible is the only book that I needed to decode in this life to walk my journey. Now that I am starting from the beginning of all things please be patient with me on my way up to graduation because there’s some test i might fail or have to retake but with time, faith and wisdom i'll get there. I am starting with alpha I am relearning the letter all over to recreate the life i made and make a better place for the generations to come. I welcome you all to the Alpha Princess.

To Be Continue!!
© Lucy Luve