

The Hardest Question
Hello everyone,today I am going to discuss with you all about the most difficult question to answer.
So when you give exam,you must found some questions that are very difficult to answer.Well,today I am going to tell you some most difficult questions.
So,to understand all the questions let me tell you a short story.'There was a little kid who once gone to his friend's birthday party without telling anyone in his home,then after the party he came back to his home.As he entered his home her mother shouted and said very loudly "Where were you from 2 hours",his son replied that he was in his friend's birthday party,again his mother shouted and said,"Didn't you think to atleast tell me before you go",she scolded him very badly that he started crying.Then his mother wiped his tears.Next year his friend asked him to attend his birthday party,the kid said "yeah! I will come".When he came back to his home and get ready for the birthday party and he was just stepped out that he thought of his mother,then he go to his mother's room and told his mother that he is going to his friend's birthday party.His mother said very politely "Ok,but come back to home till 8:00pm".
So the story end here.This story is related with our life.We start our life's journey without telling our life,and when it punishes us,scold us,then we blame god We say"This all the things are happening with me because of god",and what reason we give,We say "I am saying this because everything is happening in the world because of god".This sounds little funny,but that's true,that's what we do.So what we have to do is we have to give answers of all the questions of life by our own.It is very difficult,because when life ask us these questions,then we ignore it or we did not hear it at all.But now you still have time to answer those questions,so please answer it honesty.
Now the question here is,what questions does life ask?So it ask us many questions but I will tell 3 of them.So first is WHO ARE YOU? you have to tell your life, about you.Not just name you have to think answer wisely.Second one is WHY ARE YOU?this question is related to your present situation because many blame god for their current situation but before blaming god think about the reason behind this.Third one is WHERE ARE YOU GOING? this question means what is your goal of life? and why you born in this world?From this it is very clear that you and your life both are different person.
So ladies and gentlemen,answer all the questions of life or do not blame others.

Thank you!

© Anand Dwivedi