

Corona, Virus
Social isolation had forced an eerie silence upon them. While fear haunted their existence, one question was at the forefront.
When was this going to end?

Mama and Papa had long since turned the TV off that a layer upon layer of dust has collected upon it. At this point, it was possible that even flickering it on may start a fire. Babygirl doesn't even remember what going to school is like anymore. The calender on the kitchen wall reads May; though, more than six inches of snow blankets the yards outside. Babygirl stares out the window as the family three doors down walks the street and the children play in the snow.

"How I wish I had siblings to play with," she sighs.

"Just like the rules to go outside with other families have changed so has the rules for conception," says Mama sadly.

It's true; no families are allowed to do or go anywhere together. Hospitals are shut down to prevent any gatherings or infections, so the fathers help the mothers give birth at home using how to videos online. This has resulted in many deaths in of itself that so many, like Mama, have chosen out of fear to not get pregnant.

"When will the groceryman get here, Mama? I'm hungry," Babygirl complains as she slumps from the window.

"It's only three in the afternoon, Babygirl. You've got almost four hours before the groceryman gets here."

Papa comes walking in with Monopoly, the board game. Must be Sunday - family night.

"I don't feel much like playing Papa."

Babygirl flops on the couch next to Mama, tears slowly trickling down her cheeks. The stir crazy feeling has been long gone but a new feeling is silently moving in - on everyone. Mama puts an arm around Babygirl and quietly stares to Papa for guidance.

Papa, a man so strong he broke a car to pieces with his own bare hands, barely has the strength hold the board game in his hands. The same Papa that once stood up to the Mafia and left them shaking, hasn't been able to stand in front of a mirror in God knows how long. He stands before Mama now and doesn't know how to help. How can he when he feels just as defeated as Babygirl?

Mama quietly holds her vacant arm out in silence to Papa. She knows Papa is tired and scared - as she is too, but she knows in her heart they will make it together. She has to believe this to be true; it's her only source of strength. Just as Papa has always said: Mama is the strongest of the two of them.

No matter how many cars Papa has totalled with his hands, or how many people he has stood up to, Papa has never been as strong as Mama when standing in the presence of the Unwelcome Visitor that has come into their home. Papa slumps into Mama's arm and welcomes her strength.

Together, they sat in front of the family fire while the Unwelcome Visitor loomed over them trying with all its might to suck out any warmth or strength they have left. How thankful Papa and Babygirl was for Mama at this very moment for just being Mama, and for knowing how to fight off the Unwelcome Visitor.

"Sleep," said Mama, "I will fight for you. Regain your strengths."

So that is exactly what Babygirl and Papa did and will continue to do until the end.