

All Wrong For Me
When will you realize the importance of slowing down your life? Even in the worst-case scenarios, there is something to be thankful for. Think about it and write a tale about such.

The way it all started in sixth grade when I was fifteen years old. It was hard for me at first to make a friend with the other students. So I just started following behind the students that was good but also got in trouble in school. I was happy to finally fit in somewhere in school or just to have some to call a friend.
At the age of twenty two years old started the pattern over again of making a friend. I knew I didn't need to hang around this crowd of people because they stayed in trouble but I was enjoying it. We would party, drink alcohol and go to clubs sometimes. I was the type to go to bed early so I can go to work the next day and I loved being at home instead of going out places. I also was bored at home with no friends so I just went along with everything they did even if was wrong.
I ended up losing my house and my job hanging out with my so called friends. I moved back in with my parents and got me another job. I didn't have to pay for rent or buy food living with my parents. All they asked of me is save my money and get me another place of my own in three months. I kept hanging out with my so called friends and I started looking forward to going out on weekdays or weekends. My life was going faster now with having a pay check not going on bills and I didn't want it to slow down.
After almost a whole year went by living the fast life and not slowing down. Everything just stops to quickly and I find myself sitting in a jail cell. All I could do was cry and look back at the way I was living life fast. I had to understand it's ok to live life slow and sometimes you can live life fast but I had to learn to control it.
Has I sat in that jail cell crying and praying to God. I asked myself where are your friends or the ones you call your friends why can't the get me out. Some of them was with when you go put in this jail cell. They got out and went home but didn't saying anything to about getting me out of jail. Or didn't even try to get me out but I can't be mad at them. They did help me see that they was not my friends and me living life fast like them was no for me.
I finally got out of that jail cell and was so happy to home with my parents. Since I been out I haven't called those so called friends and asked to hang out with them. I have couple of them passed away, went to prison and some are living on the streets. I thank them for showing me I need to slow down in life and I'm so glad I listened. I figured if I was still hanging out with those so called friends I would be dead, in prison or living on the streets. To me that's not life I want live no more.
Slowing life down can seem boring at times and that's ok. I know it's not easy to live life on the slow speed but it's worth it at the end. Living life in the fast gets you in trouble or in places you don't want to be. Living life fast you will miss the beautiful flowers, being with family and what ever else life has to offer.