

Hallway of Unreality
As I walked along the long, straight corridor I felt an eerie presence. I couldn’t tell what it was and I could not see, hear, or even smell anything, but I knew someone – or something – was near me, perhaps even following me. I kept turning around to look behind me but the only things visible were the walls, the ceiling, and the floor. And the almost pitch-black darkness.
After returning my sight in my original direction I walked further into the darkness still feeling that unearthly feeling. And as I continued down the cold hallway I asked myself what could cause the feeling of being watched, of being followed?
I could not answer the question I asked myself, but something else could. And did. Before my bewildered and excited eyes was a creature – no, a monster – of some demonic sort. It loomed over me like the towers of an ancient castle. The monster was covered in thick, dark hair like an ape. What it was I could not tell for my eyes were unable to see well enough in the looming darkness.
Once I came to my senses I became more frightened than I had ever been. The fear was so immense that I felt death reaching for me at that very moment.
I turned and ran opposite of the direction I had come, but another creature was there, blocking my escape. I was cornered. Or so I believed.
I looked around me, surveying any possible routes of escape when I was able to make out the outline of a doorway. I ran for the door but slammed into it and was knocked to the ground when I discovered it was locked. I looked up and saw the monster – but only one monster. Where was the second? Was there a second?
The creature’s claws were bared and ready to rip into my flesh. It drew up its arms. My fear paralyzed me and its razor-like claws came down upon me. I closed my eyes.
I opened my eyes. I asked myself how could I not be dead? Surely no person could have ever survived such an attack. But alas, there was not a mark on me, not a drop of blood around me, and not a creature in sight.
Was it only my imagination, my fear caused by this dark place, that made me see and believe such things? I did not know. I only knew that I wanted to leave this place.
I stood up and looked around once more. In the hallway, in the direction I was headed before being attacked, was a bright white light. It appeared to be a door, or so its shape made it appear. I could only stare in wonder at this strange light.
As I finally made myself turn away from the phenomenon and proceeded to walk the way from which I had come, there stood yet another doorway of...