

Secret love
I met him accidentally not knowing that we could turn good friends.I know only by name until one day i realize that we're been too close.Not a single secret to each other. I never thought that you would be true to me the way you do. Now, I am confused who really are you in my life. I am already exgaged and as time goes by feel strange...... think i am falling for you but how can I feel this, i was not suppose to love you, you're too good to be true.
I thought i was the only one who feel this way. One day you got the courage to tell me that you love me dearly. I want to cry of what I heard. It can't be true. you also got a girlfriend then same with me!
I tried not to be fallen for you coz i know i just hurting myself. Now, you and your girlfriend break up, you told me that I am the only one in your heart and mind, but still I can't love you freely, I still love him. I guess it's not the right time for us. The love we felt was right but we felt it in a wrong time.
I thought we're not together these special feeling would remain in our thoughts and in our hearts. Just remember that i have loved you dearly as far as i know.