

Plans for writing story.
My Dear Writco Friends
I'm back
Today I'm planning to write a story after a long time. I missed you all my dear Writco Friends. I've Created some ideas and imagination.
1. Plans to write a Story.
Before writing a story you should choose a plot to write a story.
2. Write a title for your story.
3. Think of some ideas for the story.
4. Write something interesting about it.
5. Write a Short story or Play.
6. Create your imagination.
7. You are the narrator of your Story.
8. Create a villain and hero.
9. Create a chain if it is possible.
10. Write a denouement at the end of the
Short Story.

Now, there are some little things to write a story and some interesting things to write.

The first few paragraphs of a chapter should draw readers and make them want to keep reading.

A Short Story or chapter that comes before the main story to help the reader understand.


A short phrase or poem at the beginning of the chapter.
It helps readers understand the book's theme.

There is a last point: the Sink is the white space that is at the beginning of a chapter that gives readers a before starting the next chapter.

Now I wrote some points before writing the story. Now I should start writing a Story. So, I should choose a place and country to start the scene. So which place or country should I start with?
Can you give me some ideas about which place or Country maybe America? And the place I want to start to the fields.
Note: This is an imaginative story based on real-life incidents. The person or place is imagination.

One day, I was sitting on my chair in the room. And someone touched me from behind like from my neck. I "shiver down my spine".
And I turned back and no one was there. I thought it would be my imagination. But when I turned around it was a girl who looked like me and I saw her closely and she was feeling uncomfortable. And I stepped back, and I said "We are similar," I said to her. " So what is the point ?"
" I mean we can be friends"
" Yes, you're right we both can be friends".
Later, we both sat on a bed and we both looked at each other for a while. And she smiled at me.
Suddenly, I thought I was missing something oh my God I forgot to ask her name. " Oh my God I forgot to ask you something I haven't asked you anything and by the way If you don't mind would you please tell me your name?"
" My name is Jasmine I'm twenty and I'm living with you here in this room when you need me"
" And What is your name?"
" My name is Lavleen and I'm also twenty I'm a student learning English and I like to write stories and share my real-life stories with people," I told her.

" Oh, I like to write stories too by the way what are you planning to write then? Something like Fantasy, Mystery, Horror...........etc. Which one?"
" I haven't decided yet but I'm planning to write something like Detective stories and Story about Family or Story of Friends or Story of a Village life or City life."

" Wow, my friend you've already planned about writing but nothing has been written yet?"
" Yes, you are right I haven't written anything about this only think about it ".
She smiled at me and holding my hands said " Whenever you are upset share with me and when you are angry share with me think about your career think about success". She explained to me.
During the evening, I was sitting on my chair and thinking about writing a Story. I was writing to Plan a Story on Paper about Police and a Thief. I was focused fully on my imagination then I shook my head due to a sudden shiverness. Jasmine noticed me and was surprised " What happened to you?" she asked.
"Nothing happened I'm just thinking about my future"
"Oh! My dear friend don't worry no one knows about the future"
Later, I lay on the chair it was night time and I was tired so I lay on the bed with Jasmine no one was at home we were alone. Jasmine was coughing I was worried, she was coughing hard. I brought her some water and she got up and I knew when she coughed she needed some sugar to put in her mouth. I handed a glass of water to her and she took a sip and water and drank I handed her some sugar and she ate a little sugar and stopped coughing she drank water and handed me a glass of a jar of sugar. I went to the kitchen and put it in the right place. And I came back to Jasmine in the room I gave her a mattress and she smiled at me" You care so much about me my friend" she smiled at me again.
And I smiled at her too " A good friend is when you need to help your friend"
"But it is more than a friendship my dear" she replied to me.
I smiled and shyly replied to her " Yes you are right"
We were sitting together on the bed and I noticed she put her hand on my hand I shied and closed my eyes. I remember it was 15 June and this is Pride month I want to celebrate Pride Day with my friend. It was night time it was 11:15 Jasmine finally confessed to me my heart was racing fast and Jasmine said this is Pride month my friend. Jasmine wore a lime colour t-shirt with flowers on it and a rainbow sign on it. And green colour wide trousers.
I asked her" What is this?"
"Oh! This is Rainbow have you noticed it I wore it for Pride because I'm proud of it and I forgot to bring something for you I bought three T-shirts for you"
She opened her bag near to her and showed three T-shirts and two trousers one was grey and the other was maroon colour or maybe it was Burgundy colour. I thought you liked it these are bright colours and a sky blue colour T-shirt with a rainbow on it and a blue colour T-shirt with sparkling stars and a green T-shirt. Her choice was so good and we both sat in the room in the bedroom I put my both trousers and three T-shirts in my closet and she suddenly said "Put only two one is for tonight this night is special for both of us bright sky blue t-shirt. I got my sky blue t-shirt and she said "Bring this to me I brought it for you to wear go and wear this t-shirt not to keep this in the closet".
"You're right I should wear this night"
I wore a blue colour t-shirt with a rainbow on it and I felt proud that Jasmine was my friend and I went to show it to Jasmine and she said" Wow you look good in this t-shirt beautiful" she praises Really" I wondered and asked her.
" Yes you're looking beautiful in this" she confessed.
She smiled lightly and finally rose from her seat and held my hand " I love you my friend" she confessed to me that night. And she hugged me.
And on 18 June I was alone again with my friend we both wore T-shirts with a rainbow on them Jasmine wore a pink colour t-shirt with a rainbow and I wore a sky blue colour t-shirt with a rainbow design on it. We both hugged each other and sat on a bed holding each other's hands she looked at me and hugged me and she closed all lights and I said.
"We are both alone and this is 11:15 the clock shows 11:15 night time"
And she started kissing me and she reached for my hands she touched my hand kissed lightly on the forehead the cushions were joined Jasmine looked into my eyes again and said: "This night is something special".
And we both lay on the bed holding tightly to each other I turned away and Jasmine caught me again. I thought "What Am I doing this she is my friend I shouldn't do this with my friend" I felt ashamed of myself. But Jasmine didn't care and she was staring at me.
"I have to think about my future Jasmine my career"
"Don't worry you will succeed in Future but sleep one night with me I came to you because you were alone Don't care much about this world if you wear something nice people think you're doing sha ow off.
She is such an inspiration that's why I chose to become her friend. A friend is when who helps you in need. When I was thinking about her she brought me back to the attention.
" Are you alright? " she asked.
" Yes, I'm fine let's enjoy this night and have fun" I replied.
Jasmine was watching a movie she was curious about what would happen na t in the movie and she noticed that something was missing to enjoy this s movie It was a Mystery and a comedy too.
" Something is missing you know in this movie too?"
" What? I don't see anything missing"
" See there should be a feeling like a theatre"
" We have darkness here and a projector here to watch a movie what else is missing here?"
Jasmine got an idea and she suddenly said " I know what to do bring a packet of chips and a cold drink" She smiled at me.
" Fine," I said and proceeded to go to the kitchen.
I may wonder what to put for a midnight meal. I pick chips and put cold rink in glasses. "Bring only one packet of chips" She said something from th,e room.
" Sure, I'll be back with the chips" I replied to her from the kitchen.
Later I put glasses on a tray and a packet of chips and proceeded to enter the room. And I put a plate on the table and she said something to, me " I know what you feel like listening to this while I'm telling you the truth"
" Wha at? I don't understand what you are saying?" I asked her with a questioning look.
" I'm going to Texas to visit my uncle and my father and my mother"
" Do you have a family? "
" Yes, I have a family here in America"
" So, what would I do? I would be upset"
" I'm not going now I'll go in September and return in March or April" Jasmine explained.
" Really? you will go in September in Texas"
" Yep! For now, let's enjoy this life "
"Okay," I replied.
Jasmine recalls the words to me.
Close your eyes and lay on the bed and you'll see the magic World. I closed my eyes and I saw myself in a magical world there were Northern lights and on the other side, there was a small lake. I could see the stones in that lake. And I saw clouds and rainbow in the sky on the other side there was a chocolate river and I saw some guys were walking by on the street and they holding hands with each other they wore rainbow bands and girls were walking by and smiling at me and they had a rainbow badge on their shirts and I could see their love they also holding each other's hands they saw me and Jasmine also had a rainbow on our shirts and they said " Have a good day" they wished us and they smiled at us and proceeded to go to the park.
" Have a nice day " we wished.
" Let's go there are some people who celebrate Pride month"
" Really?" I wondered.
" Yep let's go to the park".
There were some people in the park two boys playing cards talking and the girls playing with each other.

This was Pride Month. This was June. People were celebrating that month.
It was such a beautiful dream.

The End.

Humour # Friendship # Drama # Movies # Pride Month # Midnight dream # Imagination # Rainbow # Thriller # Writco.

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