

Haunted house
Once all the constellations got stuck at the haunted house.
Aries:Ok everyone, don't panic, follow my orders. I am the boss
And please everyone take care of yourself. I am strong and I will get out of it, sorry if I can't help you all.
(Deep inside aries is crying, "I want to protect all, I want everyone safe").

Taurus: I have a doubt. This ghost is the old woman who lived here years ago, maybe any one of you knows about it. But fine whatever. Let me find the fridge, I want food.
Thinking ( how selfish I am to eat by myself, let's call cancer to cook with me).

Gemini: It's so boring here, I came here for some thrill! No signs of ghosts at all. Let's find Sagittarius for some gossip.
Thinking ( Oh god I wish I could help the ghost to attain salvation so that everyone could be safe).

Cancer: Oh...my God! Everyone would die ( crying loudly ). I want to go out. Where are Pisces I'd rather be safe with them.?Thinking( if I came across the ghost face to face I would not spare it. I know all the enchantments.
Cancer smiling confidently.
Gemini: Cancer is such a drama
queen and Taurus can even suspect God.
Leo: Everyone listens (drawing attention)I think the ghost is after me, after all, none can be saved from my charm. Don't worry I am the bravest of you all. I will be the first one to fight. (Thinking that everything is all about them as if they are a celebrity)
Virgo: Everyone please sleep, I and Aries will handle the situation but I want complete discipline and order.
Thinking ( If someone has to sacrifice I will be the one.)
Libra: Come on everyone, just chill!
Gemini has a lot of humor to share with us and I and Sagittarius will organize a party to lighten the mood.
Maybe it's our last night so just enjoy.
(Thinking: None gonna thank me for relaxing the panic,
it's me only the cheerleader.)
Aries: Party what nonsense!
Taurus: Will there be some good food?
Gemini; yeah I am already in, loving the idea.
Leo: I want to sleep.
Virgo: No way I have to concentrate to track the ghost.
Cancer: I love the idea but it may be our last party( crying loudly).
Scorpio: What's going on? I was watching such a sensual movie.
Don't worry folks, Ghost can't be more devilish than me.
Thinking( These people don't even bother to tell me the house is haunted but still I will protect them all)
Sagittarius : (laughing and conversing with Gemini) Come let's seduce the ghost. Call Pisces they are so manipulative.
( Actually, people never take me seriously but I am multitalented I know.)
Capricorn:(coming out of an abandoned room after 6 hours) I have found the way to go out. All will be safe, I have been working very hard past six hours. Finally, I found a way.
( But I messed up everyone's belongings Let's be quiet about it otherwise, Virgo will kill me.)
Gemini: Hey does anyone know where is Aquarius?
Aquarius :( Replying from the store room) I am here investigating with Pisces. I don't believe in ghosts. I think some paranormal energy is here which we have to neutralize.
Cancer: How scientific....! But feelingless, emotionless
Taurus: ( sarcastically)Acting very smart.
Libra: Hats off genius...
Aquarius:I tracked down the ghost. I found a way to keep him engaged. You all leave. Capricorn will show you the way.
Gemini: What about you?
Aquarius: Pisces decided to stay with me.
Cancer will give me the enchantments
I love you all. Be safe everybody.
Cancer to Aquarius: Sure take it...
Pisces: How would you save others then if you give all enchantments to Aquarius?
Cancer: I learned them all.
Libra: thinking ( How boring)
Pisces :( Holding a pile of old books and some mystical things) Yes I will lure the ghost. Aries, you lead the group.
Virgo will look after everyone,
Cancer will enchant,(Pisces gave them a trinket and an amulet made by Capricorn and Pisces.
Gemini will personally ease everyone.
Taurus will catch the slightest danger.
Scorpio will be able to sense the ghost energy scattered around. (Cancer gave the amulet to Scorpio )
Cancer: I have more faith in you than in myself. Keep the amulet. I may have intuitions but you have got tremendous willpower.

Leo will be the first one to fight any emergency.
Leo: Are we idiots or superhuman beings to protect others barehanded?
Capricorn: No dear, take this mystical sword made by me. You are the most fearless of us all.
Libra will give courage to everybody and will keep the balance. Positive vibes are the need of the hour for all of us to cross...
Sagittarius will be the most energetic to act immediately. ( Aquarius gave Sagittarius an instrument called a ghost tracker invented by Aquarius recently)
Capricorn knows the way.
Go, everyone...
Aquarius: You too can leave Pisces.
Pisces: Let's deal with the ghost and then leave comfortably tomorrow......
(I can sense what Aquariuslogiciann)
No, we both will leave together tomorrow.
To be continued......

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© Shaesta