

The Evil seed Of a Hero EP 1
Self Narrative: Since I was young I was looked down My father would always ignore me and favor my older brother.

Narrator: A boy is locked away in his room with many cuts and bruises from his abuser father.

Jim: Father please Open the door please !"

Dad: Kim come here ."

Kim : Yes dad?"

Dad: Here's your allowance this week I am off to work." [closes the door behind him]

Kim : [opens the door] Jim?" [spotted his little brother in pain in the floor]

Jim: Kim ?"[gets up]

Narrator: Every part of his body was badly beaten.

Kim: Come here I will help you out let me clean your wounds ." [cleans it]

Jim : owww!"[cries]

Kim: Do you hate dad?"

Jim: No" His right I am useless I am quirkless I have no powers like dad and you."

Kim : That's not true don't listen to him okay even if you don't have powers you can always be useful."

Jim : Thanks big brother."

Self Narrative: But everything got wors at kindergarten my classmates would bully me every day .

Tom : Your such a weakling !"

Eli: Haha Lol we hate powerless insects like you !"

Joel: Being quirkless is so rare now and days you now what's more rare right."

Tom: Being usually useless."[laughing]

Jessica: Hey stop bullying him!"

Tom: Hey Jessica ~ What bringins you here ?"

Jessica: You heard me stop it!"

Narrator: The boys leave .

Jessica: You okay."

Jim: Yeah thanks ." [leaves the class and stops to tie his shoes]

Kia: Do you really like that guy!?"

Jessica: eww no!" I am just nice because I don't want to my ego to be ruined."

Narrator: Jim cries and go's home an locks himself in the room .

Jim: I knew I was useless ."[he starts to hear whisper in his head]

Jim: What I should be villain but why ?"

Whispering: *-*-*-*-

Jim : Your right being a villain those no need to be powerful but to have a plan."[laughing]

Kim: You okay Jim?"[Waiting in the door]

Jim : Shut the f*** up leave me alone !"

Kim: Oh no!" "my baby is going through puberty!"

Jim: Kim I am not a dam Baby!"

years later-

Self Narrative: During my high school years I only care about my looks and I was starting to walk the villain path my classmates wouldn't dare look at me in the eye they thought I had turned insane during those dark days my powers started to manifest I was not quirkless anymore that feed my hate for heroes more .
