

A World To Live For ( Pt.1 The Left-Over World)
Year 2040.
It's the year when this world will surely end. Because there is not at all a chance for it to live. After year 2019, when the first layer of COVID-19 arrived, the world is facing many virus diseases one after another. COVID-19 kept on evolving the day after day and till 2040 it have received a stage when no one can survive. The people in this year begged for hell to arrive before dying with this disease. This disease is now no longer a form of COVID-19, it was it's actual form from the starting , it was just waiting to gain it's whole energy to turn out this way. COVID-19 was just it's infant stage, but this, is what you call the devil's knife. No one can survive from it now.

95% of mankind is dead and for the other animals, no one knows. This disease took everyone from their dear ones and so it took mine. I lost a beautiful family of mine. My strong dad, beautiful mother and my 15 yrs. old brother Shubh. I might have saved Shubh, but it was all my fault. When government were sending air forces and navy helps, I send him to a helicopter which came to took the people to a safe place. And I send him even after he was begging not to send him apart from me, but I, just wanted him safe. The news came later that, that helicopter didn't arrived were it was meant to be. It met an accident. So now I am alone. Maybe in this whole city too. I don't know how I would survive next. Right now I am eating food from the department store left. And all the way around it's just a silent whisper.

Today is 15th November, but nothing that I can do. Sometimes I just want to end my life, but everytime I took a step, I can't. And I cry a lot 'cause I am unable to meet my family when I want them the most. There was a time when I believed in destiny, everything happens for good. But now no more. And now I don't cry anymore. If this is what was written for me then I will not let the Gods laugh upon it. I will survive this life and then, when I will meet them, I will say them with the head high that I fought with what you gave me, 'cause I was more stronger than you'd ever think. With my whole dress high, I am now out of my house.

There is nothing to fear now. This death play started in March, 2039 and until mid-February, 2040 it cleared almost every breath. So today I have nothing to fear. Today I decided to go out of the town. I've never been there since this pandemic started. So today, I decided to go there. I took a brand new cycle of blue and black color from a cycle store and packed some eatables and water. And I started my journey.

I always wanted to visit the countryside but due a lot of reasons I wasn't able to. The last time I visited was in 2032 with my friends in a picnic. It was the most beautiful moment of my life. I enjoyed myself the most with my friends. Ridhima, Ananya, Kriti, Sonal and Chhanak. Sometimes those moments just hit me like a stong punch on my face. How my world was and today..... I don't even know who survived rather than me. Removing all these thoughts out of my mind,I keep on cycling. The area here was so destructive. 'Cause there also happened a war due to this disease. I just kept on moving. Soon I arrived in the countryside.

It wasn't like farms all over. Rather than that, there was so many areas under constructions. I stopped my cycle and parked it. I started to move on I don't know where but just started to walk.

I was now around a construction area. Half the work of that building was done, I mean only the steel rods and outer construction was done. I was seeing all that when suddenly it felt me like someone just passed behind me. So I snapped back. But no one was there. I thought maybe some kinda of animal. So I kept on moving, but still thinking about that feeling. Four months ago there was a cat living near my house but it never felt like I felt just minutes ago. Under these thoughts I came to interior part without noticing. I was just about to turn when I heard a little voice. It was like someone was trying to make a noise but it didn't wanted to anyone hear it, maybe to danger to hear it. That voice was making my heart ache with a feeling I don't know. So I decided to follow the voice.

I walked more 5 mins towards the voice and the voice was becoming a little bit clear. But it seemed the voice's danger siren rang above it. It might understood that something or someone was coming towards it. I stood there for more 5 mins without making a single noise. I even started to breathe slowly. But I can't stand here the whole day. I also have to go back to my home even after I know no one was waiting there for me, but still home makes you feel safe and in home it feels like my family is around me everytime. So I closed my eyes and tried to hear anything. With these silence months I passed it became my daily habit to close my eyes in the balcony and hear the wind's whisper, 'cause it was the only sound left in this world and sometimes I also can hear the tides of sea 20 kms from here. So I closed my eyes and tried to hear. And it seriously worked!!!! I can hear a rasping breathe but it was also taken care that it didn't seemed like it was tired was something. And it was not a breathe of an animal or of a bird, it was clearly of a HUMAN!!!!! I opened my at the very instant my mind striked the word ' HUMAN'. Yes it was a human's breathe. Someone was far there and it seemed like he needed help. It was the conclusion I can come on after hearing that rasping breathe and it seemed like it was of a female. But not so sure!

Not so sure of anything. Because the voice sensed me and it stopped so it seemed like whoesever was there was hiding himself from someone or something, but what ? Maybe he/she believed that whosever was coming towards him/her might be suffering from the" Death's Knife". It can be a reason. And it can also be a reason for me to don't go there and turn back to home. But I can't.

Because there was a human, a survivor just few meters away!! A survivor. I have to take the risk. So I took a solid steel rod from nearby and then I gathered all my courage as well as my voice because it wasn't use since, I don't remember the last time, so I took a breathe and said loudly to make him/her hear " Hello!!! Is anybody there? I am Shreya and I am a survivor. I am not suffering and never suffered from that disease. So if you want my help, you can trust me. "
A long minute passed. And the I added in a soft voice " Please let me know if anyone's out there,'cause I am living lonely for 11 months and I thought I am the only survivor left. Please tell me if you are there." Another 15 seconds passed and then a voice answered, it was a female and it seemed she might be around her 40's and it said, " I am under some heavy rods and I can't get out from here, please help me. "

It was the pleasent voice I ever heard and I was on my verge of crying when I handled myself and answered, " Okay, I am coming just now!!"

And then I rushed toward the voice and the woman was in the same as she mentioned. And luckily I had started doing some gym from 6 months. So I was now physically strong. But it took me some time to remove all the rods and once I cleared it all I saw the woman. As I guessed, she was in her 40's. Black and a few white mid-back hair, turned in a French Breade. After I helped her in getting up, I got the full picture of her. Height around 154 cms, a skin tone between white and black, black eyes, normal body, only few scratches around around her left forearm which I guess was due to this accident.

She propered herself and then looked at me and then said, " My name Khyati and thank you for helping me. But how did you noticed I was here? " And so told her how I met her. She said it was very impressive of me and then added quickly, " But we shouldn't stay here for a long time. Come with me where there are more survivors like us, and it's there where I live. I'm sure you'll be delighted meeting the other survivors. "Yes I heard it correctly. More Survivors. Without even knowing, I spoke, " Are there more people who survived?" She quickly added yes and told me to follow her. During our journey to her and other's home, she asked me, " So where do you live?" And then I told her where and how I was living until now. On that she said that if I like, I could stay with them. But my mind was half somewhere else. Thinking about something.

She stopped at seriously a very big house, well actually it was a campus of a University. She came to it's main door and knocked three times on the door and then said so quietly for anybody to here, " Safe" . And the door opened slightly for a single person to come. She holded my hand and drove me with her inside. As soon as I entered there the person who opened the door closed it quickly and as quickly turned to us and them said, " Where was you Khyati? You know how terrified we were. Jatin and Krishna are out there finding you. And moreover, who is she ? And we told you not to trust anyone. How could you bring someone without any kind of knowledge. And wait a minute, what happened to your forearm?" he took her forearm and started to check the injuries. In the mean time Khyati explained everything to that man and when the story was over he turned towards me and said very genuinely, " Thank you so much for helping her! Without your help she might be still there and I am so sorry for whatever things I said to you."
" On no, it's ok!! Cares are necessary. "
" Yeah, so what's your name and where do you come from?"
But before I could answer, I heard an old male voice, maybe around his 60's ," What's happening here?"
We all turned to him.
" Well, Subrahmanyan, Khyati got in a trouble outside and this girl here" pointing towards me " helped her ."
"I see, so we must inform Jatin and Krishna to come back. Satish you and Karan go out and bring them with you and Khyati you must let your forearm be healed so quickly go to Nandita and meanwhile, you girl, come with me, 'cause from wherever you are, you cannot go out in this night back as there are no street lights for you tone guided and no full moon too. So you can stay the night here and meanwhile, we can know what is the situation outside. "
And as he completed, Khyati went to the name she was mentioned to and the man who opened the door, Satish went with the other man, Karan.
" Luv go at the door" .
And the boy moved quickly. Subrahmanyan waited for me to join him. And so not making him wait more, I joined him .

I end this part here but be sure to wait and read the second part. It's
" HOPE" . Please mention in comment section if you are waiting for the second part or not. Here is a glimpse of pt. 2 .

Shreya was now with the other survivors when she comes to know about the secret, not know which, but Army letter. It made her believe that that are not the only survivors. And a HOPE rises inside her heart.

Thank you for reading!!!!🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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