

Going Forward
"Three times you have told me that you will take care of things and they are not done yet." "I'm sorry Theresa but I have been extremely busy with other things." Robert said.

"What could be more important than what I want done? She asked. Robert tossed some ideas for answers around in his mind, but decided to answer by saying, "well, perhaps I was wrong in my thinking." "There is no perhaps about it, Robert you are wrong, again."

Time and time again, they have had this discussion. "Is it really a discussion when only one person is getting to make their position known?" He said in the quietness of his mind.

"Theresa, I promise that you will have a wonderful experience on this vacation." "Well, I certainly hope so," was her reply.

The entrance to the underground caverns resembled an entrance to an ancient subterranean dungeon. There was something strange and mysterious about this place.

Theresa wanted to do something that she had never done before, and this time Robert was determined to give her what she wanted.

The sign on the wall indicated that the WolfBane Caverns had been established in the year 1980. That was forty years earlier. It matched Theresa's age exactly. So this trip would be memorable because of that fact

There were other reasons that she would remember this birthday celebration, reasons that he dare not reveal at this time.

"What time will we reach the bottom of this horrible place?" Theresa said. "Why do you think that this is a horrible place?" Robert asked. "It could be the spiders and dripping goo from the ceiling and walls." She replied.

To this Robert knew the correct response. He knew it, but decided against using it. "Oh, those are just the beginning, wait til you step into the puddle of blood." He said. "Blood? What? Where?

She was heavier than he remembered. I guess that it had been a great while since he had held his beauty like this. Still Robert felt like a man now that he was protecting his woman. "Why had he let this part of the relationship pass into the background?" He wondered to himself.

"You know what Theresa?" "What?" I miss the days when we were this close." "Me too. Why can't you and I just go back to where we used to be?" "Hmm," he said to her. Then he remembered.

"Because my dear, you are an evil person, and you must be destroyed."

Anyway, that was what he was thinking. "You know what I was just thinking, Theresa?" "What was that?" "Today is your birthday and I want you to enjoy yourself, so why don't we leave this dark, lonely, scary place and go somewhere fun?

"Can we?" She said. "Yes, he replied. "Didn't you have something else planned?" "Yes, but I have decided this is not the time, nor the place for your..." "My what?"

Robert paused his sentence, looked deep into her blue eyes, smiled and finished his sentence with the word, "surprise."

"When? Where?" "Oh, I can't tell you that, but you will never see it coming."

© Kurt Frazier