

Obsessed. (part 1?)
Chloe's boyfriend, Emmet, was coming over.
He was coming over for a casual dinner with her parents, like he does quite often. But there's one thing that only Chloe knows about Emmet.
He has anger issues. Like really bad anger issues. So bad in fact, he takes his anger out on Chloe most of the time. He lashes out very, very quickly if provoked well enough. He's only hit and beat her when they are alone so no one knows and know one has seen it happen. Chloe has always been notoriously clumsy, so seeing the bruises and marks on her skin isn't exactly something her parents worry about.
If she does something to upset him or he thinks she's misbehaved, Emmet plays it cool until they are behind closed doors, at which point Chloe will leave with many bruises.
Emmet arrives at Chloes house and she opens the door for him. He greets her with a quick, cute, kiss. He greets her parents, like the true gentleman he pretends to be, and they begin eating dinner.
After they've all eaten supper, they're hanging out, chatting in the living room when Chloes father gets a phone call. He answers and his face changes to one of concern.
"Yes? Really? Ughhhh. Yes sir. We'll be right there. Thank you." The man turns to his wife.
"Boss just called. Some sort of emergency. We've gotta go." He stands up.
His wife nods and grabs her purse. They say their goodbyes to Chloe and Emmet and leave in a hurry. As soon as they pull out of the driveway, Emmet turns to Chloe.
"Why did it take you so long to answer the door earlier? I was standing outside for like five whole minutes." He starts to let his annoyance show and his voice raises.
"I-i'm sorry... I was helping my mom with the food... my hands were dirty..."
"I don't give a shit! It was cold out there!" He yells, his face getting progressively angrier.
He yells at Chloe for a few more minutes before he finally raises his hand to her.
As his hand finally makes contact with Chloes skin, the front door opens quietly and Chloes best friend, Zack, steps inside. He stays silent, planning to surprise Chloe, but as he turns into the house, he sees it. Emmet hitting and hurting his best friend.
His eyes go wide and his entire body fills with rage, fear, shock, sadness, and just about every other emotion there is.
Emmet doesn't notice Zacks presence right away, but Chloe does. Zacks fists tighten and his jaw clenches as he sees his bestie being abused. He clears his throat, getting Emmets attention. Emmet turns and looks at Zack, slightly shocked, not expecting anyone to be there. Once he registers what's going on, he turns back to Chloe.
"Why the hell didn't you tell me when someone walked in?!?" Emmet screams at her.
He goes to hit her again but Zack grabs his arm and stops him.
"Hit her again. I dare you." Zack grits out.
Emmet whips around to face Zack, but Zack hits Emmet first. At this point, Chloe is crying uncontrollably and she gets even more hysterical as she watches her boyfriend and best friend get into an ugly fist fight.
After a lot of fighting and bruises between the boys, Emmet decides it's a good idea to drag Chloe into this fight, (causing her to get many many more bruises and injuries than needed.) Zack finally gets fed up and grabs a baseball bat and hits Emmet over the head with it, knocking him out. He drops the bat immediately and running to Chloe. He wraps her in a warm embrace, trying to comfort his crying best friend.
"Shshsh... shhhh. It's okay. I've got you now, baby. Shhhh." He whispers, trying to calm her down.
When Chloe is wrapped in Zacks tight hug, only then she realizes he's trembling just as much, if not more, than she is. And he's also crying, a lot.
After they both calm down a bit, Zack calls the police and they arrive soon after. They take Emmet away, never to be seen again.... for now.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading this. I worked really hard on it and I'm super proud of it. Sorry I've not been posting as much, my phone broke so I had to get a new one. But I'm back now and am super excited to get back to posting like I was. As always, please give me any feedback you may have and let me know if you want a part 2! Have a nice day/night. ❤️🫶
