

As I know you better than everyone tho I can say that. See ups and downs are part of life .it's ok if today you might fell down WHO KNOWS? , tomorrow might be ten times brighter?.
I hope you understand don't let yourself down in any situation, as per you noticed the world has changed then why do you hope people remain same. I kindly advise you to keep moving on with or without them.
actually, this is life so unfair. sometimes we get lost in dark with a situation but that doesn't mean that we will never find a way out. whatever happens, we should never lose hope and trust in ourselves.
Be easy on yourself .give time to yourself I hope you will understand.
life has different ways of experiences sometimes you may feel disappointed that doesn't mean that it’s going to stay the same remember times changes so does situations and circumstance too. happiness will not last long nor sadness will it should be balanced equally and take life as it comes whenever you are feeling life is a part .life is not perfect so ARE WE ? when you are surrounded by happiness fell it enjoy it and when sadness is going to surround you take a deep breath and think to go through the plan or go as life take you but perhaps you fell it enjoy it and get experienced every situation that’s what life has taught me.
Your heart might say again and again
Don’t beat me anymore I understand that
But you can’t keep saying that to stop
Let me suffer more pains my heart it pitying me too
There is no need to suffer anymore
But you might get compelled
If in the case again you feel that your inner voice says don’t beat.
Be patient everything will be fine
If in the case again your tears are flowing from your captivity
You might be afraid that you won’t break out in front of anyone
But you have to be patient
I already told you that times changes so does situations and circumstance too.
Please be brave strong be positive trust yourself I hope everything will be great.
thank you ❤️
© funte_s