*Siren in mari*
A Siren in the sea
*Illecebris ad aliquem*
Lures for somebody
*Traiecto ad eam feed*
Aching to get her feed
*Sed .... in corde cordis*
But....In her heart of hearts
*Arcanum tenet, fovet, arta tenet*
A secret she possess, cherishes, holds tight
*Desiderium eius est ad summum eius solitudini*
Is her longing to end her loneliness
*Nam unus ex nautis non intervenit*
For one of the sailors to not be Betwiched
*Manere cum illa, eam ama, illam amplectere*
To stay with her, love her, embrace her
*Est arcanum quod numquam indicabit...*
It's a secret she will never tell...
*Siren in mari*
A Siren in the sea
*Illecebris ad aliquem*
Lures for somebody
*Traiecto ad eam feed*
Aching to get her feed
*Sed .... in corde cordis*
But....In her heart of hearts
*Arcanum tenet, fovet, arta tenet*
A secret she possess, cherishes, holds tight
*Desiderium eius est ad summum eius solitudini*
Is her longing to end her loneliness
*Nam unus ex nautis non intervenit*
For one of the sailors to not be Betwiched
*Manere cum illa, eam ama, illam amplectere*
To stay with her, love her, embrace her
*Est arcanum quod numquam indicabit...*
It's a secret she will never tell...