

5 Pre-Installed Android Apps That Elevate Your Smartphone
Smartphone owners today have a wide variety of applications to use when looking to meet their needs and desires. Though most of your favorite Android apps have to be downloaded from the Google Play Store, some of the most reliable apps you can find actually come pre-installed on your phone. Here are five applications that provide your smartphone with unique features and are likely already on your Home Screen.


Google Chrome is one of Android's leading browsers and can help the user quickly and easily access some of their favorite websites. Today, Google Chrome is equipped with a number of preferences and settings that can help the experience become more user-friendly. Explore the web with the mobile view or switch to the desktop view to see the website in it's regular fashion.You can also share your favorite website and its photos on your social media networks with the quick push of a button.

Most music and videos are available for streaming from Chrome as long as you have an updated, compatible version. Choose to download a website's app through the Play Store, or use Google Chrome to access it while saving storage on your mobile device. The Chrome browser is one of the most underrated features, as it provides internet browsing capability and a full display of web content right from the palm of your hand.


Smartphone cameras have become some of the most widely used cameras in the modern world. Having your phone handy can help you capture those special Holiday moments with family, or take an epic selfie for a posted update on your most recent style or look.

The camera app is one of the best things to happen to photography since Digital and Polaroid cameras, as far as I'm concerned, and gives the user the ability to instantly view and edit photos on the spot. Though it may seem like one of those boring, old, pre-installed apps that everyone takes for granted, the camera gives our Smartphones another powerful feature in combination with its communication functions. The front camera can also serve the purpose of a mirror when in need of urgent self-awareness, or simply, a quick glance at yourself.


Youtube has been a powerhouse in the video streaming industry for several years and has been a valuable platform for some of our favorite Internet celebrities.

Whether you want to watch a viral video from the web or upload a video of your own, Youtube has long been the place where you can find and share almost anything. Not only does Youtube house some of your favorite clips from Sports, Television, and Film, but it has become a premier Music streaming platform as you can conveniently find almost every song known to man. The app is also the home of some of the most educational tutorials on the web and can satiate plenty of your consumer needs.


If you travel or do most of your own driving, their is often a time when you'll need directions or navigation on the road. Google Maps is the perfect app to help you find the local grocery store or fast food restaurant that is close by. Complete with listings, directions, navigation, bus routes and other features, Maps is the ultimate tool to help you conveniently get to your destination.

With a full display of the city grid with a satellite map, the app contains and lists almost every local business in your city. It also includes estimated time of arrival and the distance of your trip. The free app is the perfect local guide, and without it, most of us would be lost.


The calendar app gives your smartphone that classic Palm Pilot feature that helps you plan and schedule your daily life. Whether it's business meetings or trips to the dentist, the calendar app can help to remind you of all of your upcoming appointments.

The calendar app is a must-have if you're a busy, working individual with a family, that has to fit everything into a tight schedule. If you're retired or spend most of your time at home, the calendar app can come in handy when reminding you of an upcoming birthday or event. For most of us, the calendar app is just what we need to stay organized.

These five applications are just a small selection of the variety of features available on your smartphone. Remember, previous generations, including our ancestors, didn't have access to such helpful resources, so be sure to keep and make-use of these apps to make your own life easier.

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