

An ambitious person get disappointed when things don't work out. But more on that it hurts when the person is inside an illusionary bubble. Chetna had always been a head girl of her school and used to be topper, when she went for higher studies in college she faced a lot of competition from her fellow students, she didn't give up and keep striving to get better in studies, but no avail.
Each time she used to give exam, she found that she didn't know the answer clear and end up attempting exam just for the sake of attempting all the questions. She used to get embarassed in front of fellow students after exam discussion that she didn't know anything despite taking her studies seriously in college. This happened every year but she kept studying. Yet nothing happened to her performance in exam.
Later on when she started improving, she introspected and came to conclusions that her image of a topper was just because she didn't have any worthy competition in school, she got trapped in that being just an average topper among below average fellow students. And the result was that she developed an illusion of her smartness and didn't develop her crucial skills such as Attention span, deep and critical thinking, Analysis of subject, even rotte learning which is prevalent in Indian education system, That's where she failed to compete with others and the knowledge of her core subjects as well. But it's too late to compensate.

So That's how our education system failed students and waste their time and efforts.
It's need to be changed so India will be able to be hub of knowledge and innovation and discovery again. Prioritising crucial skills in Students will be able to cope with unemployment amidst rising population.

#ramram 🌸✍️
© Alphaclimber01🌻