

The commander Larry started, “Now I am going to tell you how to use these things”.

1. Combat knife
If you don’t have a weapon you should look up for a melee weapon, because it would always help you to kill some of the zombies .

2. An Armour
An amour helps you to protect your body from biting of the zombies. You should always cover your arms legs and neck because zombies usually attack these parts the most.

3. Mask
A mask always protects you from dust and smoke because these gases affect the respiratory system of your body, and it can be serious if there are any zombies or nuclear gas.

4. Hand tab
It shows your current location and it can be used for transferring signals to your teammate if you need help, but it doesn’t work every time because the battery storage is good but there are not active towers yet to send or receive signals .

5. Audio signal device
An audio device is fitted in the hand tab it is like a circle shape antenna. It is used to send or receive audio .

6. Batteries
If you run out batteries there are two extra batteries in your Armour.

7. A hologram health watch
It would only work if you have chip inside you there will be signals send in the watch, it will show the percentage, Between 90-100% then it will show green which means you are perfect in health, between 70-90% it will show yellow in colour which means you have a good health, and between 5-60% it will show red colour which means you have a extremely poor health.

8. Med kits
You will be provided two med kits and we suggest you to use it in extreme cases only.

9. Water and food
You will be provided only 3 water bottles and 2 food packets.

10. Hand drones
It will be fitted in the left shoulder of the Armour , you can control it by your handtab.

11. Bullets and guns
You will be with five packs of bullets and three guns .

Then Larry said “ than you class for being in discipline Now I will be with you in next class for a mission but from today and tomorrow you will be teach by professionals how to combat, use and survive in these conditions bye.”

And here our chapter 9 ends.

© Aryan writings