

Alert !!! Mosquitoes are there...
I still don't get the idea why mosquitoes are so fond of me ?
Currently they are the only creatures that fails to keep the social distancing with me. In all my life I find these are the rare species that are attaracted to me for whatever the reason be. Let it be any country they keep following me. They love me so much that despite the Indian tanned look I turn reddish due to their unconditional love bites.
Everything can be tolerated except scratching the rashes.
Nowadays I don't even see any ads on mosquito repellants, ever after the famous goodnight. Which claims of giving a goodnight but doesn't do any difference other than providing good fragrance. Its like I got to save some money on room freshener.
The electric bats have taught me that more than the purpose of killing mosquitoes they serve as a good mode of exercise...