

The Hidden Girl Chapter Seven (written by Alicia Katherine)
Hello everyone,
writer:Alicia Katherine
Main Character(female):Lisa
Main Character (male):Jake
Main Character (male):Jay

(the hidden girl chapter seven)

The Hidden Girl Chapter Seven is about the story of Lisa(a fat talented girl)and her problems.The Hidden Girl Chapter Seven includes the story and some small songs.

If you want to understand the story of the hidden girl Chapter Seven more clearly then you have to read the "chapters of the hidden girl and it's introduction".

The hidden girl Chapter Seven is written in understandable form and shortly which is easy to understand and it helps you to not to get bored while reading.

ABOUT THE CHARACTERS (present in the hidden girl chapter seven)


Lisa:A fat talented girl

Jake:A smart handsome boy
(who born in rich family)
Jay:A smart handsome boy
(who born in rich family)


Professor kim:A professor who is taking
charge of Lisa's class

Jessica:A beautiful girl who loves Jake

Kate:A girl who loves Jay

Lisa's class mates


(in last Chapter, Jake and Lisa were enjoyed fireworks together. Jake tried alot to find the girl, who he wants to see.
Finally Jake found the girl who he wants to see.But when he was going to meet her, professor kim asked Jake to bring his files. After Jake given files to professor kim, he searched again for the girl who he wants to meet. But he didn't found her,so he was totally upset. On next day, all the students were going back to their college. Jake set beside of Lisa. All other students were enjoying by singing songs. Lisa was trying not to sing, because she was afraid of her class mates who teases her always. Lisa noticed that Jake was sleeping, so she was singing song ,with sweet and low voice. But Jake noticed Lisa's voice)

(conversation between Jake and Lisa)

(she was afraid, by thinking what will happen if he listen to her song)
Jake:Did you sing a song?
Jake:hmm!?I am sure that I heard you
Lisa:No,I didn't sing
how can a fat girl like me, can sing a
Jake:Why can't?What's wrong with you?
Yes, your fat ,but your pretty
Jake:Hmm ,so can you sing a song for
Lisa:No,I can't
Jake:Please Lisa,only one small song.
I want to hear your vioce while
Lisa:Why do you want to hear my voice?
anyway I won't sing
Jake:Ok then,just answer my questions
Lisa:Ok..!what do you want to ask?
Jake:Yesterday, why don't you sing songs
with other members?
Lisa:Because, I was not present there
Jake:Then, where were you?
Lisa:At beach
Jake:What..?I can't believe this.
Lisa:What happened?
Jake:Please,sing a little song for me
I won't tease you
Lisa:Hmm,ok then

After listening to Lisa vioce, Jake can't able to believe what he heard. Jake fell in love with Lisa. Jake keeps starring at Lisa. After few minutes, all the students reached college.

They all left the bus and they were going to hostel ,but Jake following Lisa.Jay asked Jake "where are you going?".Jake didn't even respond to Jay ,his heart was filling with happiness and excitement.

After few minutes, Lisa noticed that, someone was following her, so she was totally scared. Lisa started running and Jake also started running. (Jake was worried about Lisa why she was running)

Jake wants to ask ,why she was running?
Jake suddenly hold Lisa's hand. Lisa was totally scared and she started shouting by closing her eyes. After few seconds Lisa realized that he was Jake.

(conversation between Jake and Lisa)

Lisa:Jake?Ahhh ,you scared me
Jake:I am just following you
Jake:Well..(he was thinking what to say)
You sings well...and I am a guitarist..
So why can't we practice together
every evening?
Lisa:Your idea is great
but, I don't whnt to get teased again
Jake:You are my responsibility, so I
never let anyone to tease you.
Lisa:Your responsibility?
Jake:I mean if we work together, then we
have to take responsibility of
each other
Lisa:But..?I don't think I can work with
Jake:Just tell me you wanna do it or not?
Lisa:I wanna but...
Jake:ok then,you agreed
so let's practice from tomorrow

Jake left from there after asking Lisa for practicing together. Jake was so happy and he didn't able to sleep because of excitement. But lisa was totally afraid of her first day of practice at school by recalling the past days. And she was like


"I am waiting for me,by filling
my days with tears,
but I am also a girl ,who is
beautiful like flowers,
I am searching for me,who is
hiding back of fears,
but now I know, I am a girl who is
fading in her tears"

(the next day)

Jake was totally excited for practicing with Lisa, so he was simling in himself. Jay saw that Jake was simling in himself and jay understood that Jake was so happy,but Jay don't know why.

Lisa was so afraid for practicing in college,her hands and legs were shaking.
She don't know what to do, but she made her mind to go for it.She want to see what will happen?

Lisa entered into class, after few minutes, Jake came. Jake sat beside of Lisa. Lisa was in shock, and she asked him "why are you sitting here?"He replied "I want to sit beside of my partner and don't say anything ,professor kim is coming "

Jay noticed that Jake was sitting beside of Lisa, he didn't understand why and he don't even want to ask because Jay noticed that Jake was so happy.

Professor kim class started,both Lisa and Jake were paying their concentration in the class .But, Lisa was paying her concentration on the class and Jake was paying concentration on Lisa.

Jessica noticed that Jake was sitting beside of Lisa and he was so close to Lisa. She was totally jealous of Lisa. At lunch time ,when Jake and Jay both went out to buy some stuff, then Jessica and Kate both started teasing Lisa.Lisa can't able to eat her lunch also, she was totally upset.Jake came into the class, by seeing Jake Lisa started pretending like she was okay.

Time passed, the classes completed,now it's time for practicing. Jake and Lisa went into a room and they started practicing .Jake asked Lisa to sing a song,
but lisa was totally upset after she get teased by Jessica and Kate. Jake started playing his guitar and Lisa was like



My heart was totally upset
and it starts breaking, by it self
I can't even say, what I want to say
I can't even see, what I want to see
I am getting hurt by people's words
I am a fat girl, who hides her pains
Seeing the things, that I don't want to
hearing the words, that I don't want to
and I am
Always...,Always...,pretending I am okay
and I am
Always...,Always...,saying there is no pain
to myself...

Jake stopped playing his guitar and he was listening to Lisa song. Jake noticed that Lisa heart was filled with pain and she was crying inside. While Jake was listening to Lisa's song, Jay was searching for Jake.

Jay know that jake will be in practicing room ,so he was heading to practicing room. While he was getting near to practicing room, he heard a sweet vioce filled with sadness in her tune.And he wants to see "who is she?"

Jay entered into practicing room and he was like "Fatty..?"

(to be continued)


The questions arrives to your mind

1.Will Jay finds who Lisa is?

2.Will Lisa gets teased again?

If you want to know the answers for this questions then you have to read the next chapter "The Hidden Girl Chapter Eight" written by "Alicia Katherine ".So please wait for the next chapter .

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