

Mahabharata, the greatest epic
Mahabharata is the largest and greatest epic when it comes to Indian Mythology.In India there are actually no myths everything is history for us be it Ramayan or Mahabharat. It took place five thousand years ago. It was written by Lord Ganesha while the knowledge and the content was recitated by the great sage Ved Vyas.

Long story short :

It is a story of the cousins of the kuru dynasty. Dhritarashtra and Pandu are brothers.Kauravas are the hundred sons of Dhritarashtra and Gandhari where Pandavas are the five sons of Pandu and his wives were Kunti and Madri.

Dhritarashtra was blind by birth. After marriage Gandhari chooses to sacrifice her eye sight for the sake of her husband and ties a cloth to her eyes for the rest of her life. This was not at all acceptable by her brother Shakuni and seeing her sister in such a condition it tore his heart and he decided to destroy the entire kuru dynasty. He was wicked and Cunning.

As Dhritarashtra was blind Pandu becomes the king. After his marriage he and his wives set out for hunting to jungle. There he mistakenly kills a sage and the sage curses him. That makes him weak and out of guilt he decides to spend sometime serving sages. He temporarily appoints Dhritarashtra as the working king and he leaves with his wives.

As the time passes...Pandu is blessed with five sons... Yudhishthir, Bheem , Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev. Dhritarashtra was blessed with hundred sons and a daughter. Dhuryodhan was the eldest among them. From the tender age itself Shakuni manipulates the minds of the Kauravas and mainly Dhuryodhan that he was the future king of the kingdom.

Due to the curse Pandu dies in the forest and Madri commits suicide as her husband's death was because of her. Kunti along with her five sons returns to Hasthinapur,the capital of the Kuru kingdom.

There Kauravas mistreat Pandavas continuously but somehow they fit in the palace. They soon leave for Guru Kula to pursue their education. The education those days involved...all types of arts, techniques and strategies of Wars, warrior training and teaching the Vedas and other religious texts. Finally they pursued their education and return to the palace after years.

When it comes to the declaration of the next crown prince..... Yudhishthir was actually the deserved and also the eldest of all. But due to his wickedness Shakuni somehow manages to replace him with Dhuryodhan. The Kauravas play all types of wicked strategies against Pandavas like trying to kill them ,defeat them and insulating them. The Pandavas survive all and finally there comes a war between Pandavas and Kauravas for the power. Where Pandavas wanted the war for Justice and establishment of righteousness in contrast Kauravas wanted the war to establish their power.

At the war, Arjun observes his opponent army. seeing all of them he doubts himself like was that really justice to kill people that too their own family ones to have power over them and he drops his bow which he is expert at, Arjun was the best archerer of the world.

Seeing his vulnerability...Lord krishna who decides to be the charioteer of him feels that it was really the time to enlighten him also the polluted world and then he enlightens Arjun at the battlefield which is at Kurukshetra.The lessons told by him are termed as Bhagwad Geeta....the knowledge of the GOD as Krishna himself is the Avatar of Lord Vishnu the almighty.

The main lessons that he taught are


You are not the physical body nor your emotions,needs,desires but A SOUL ,a fragment of the Almighty. I am the one fighting here, going to fight here,survive here and die here...you are only a medium of mine.In sanskrit, knowledge is called as Sankhya.


Give up your desire for the outcome and the results for your every deed. It is me who determines your result you have only control over your deeds and actions the outcome is decided by me. So give up your greed for the outcome. Be it positive or negative just do what you need to do...leave the rest to me.In sanskrit deed is called the Karma.


Devotion is the best path to reach salvation. One who devotes life to the supreme being and leads his life in the service of God are freed from the cycle of birth and death . In Sanskrit devotion is called Bhakti.

After he has taught lessons relating to secrets of life and righteousness ,Arjun is enlightened and he fights along with his brothers. Finally all the Kauravas die along with the ones who are a hindrance for the establishment of the new society of the Justice and righteousness in the entire Bharat Varsha (the ancient Indian Empire)

Mahabharat is like the complete epic. It has everything like Love, Friendship, brotherhood, relationships, bond, Family, responsibilities,duties, student -teacher relationship, devotion, dedication, patience, justice, righteousness, Evil, wickedness, conspiracy, battle and immense knowledge.
Every character is like a gem. one can learn on how one should and shouldn't be. There is still a lot to it and I have only mentioned the important parts as some few passages can never be sufficient to describe such a great epic.

The reason behind my writing this one is knowing Mahabharat has affected my life to a higher level. It has ascended me,lead me towards righteousness,taught me what actually life is and how one should lead their life and what actually the righteous deeds are. It has empowered me and a new me has emerged after I have learnt it. So I thought to share it so that some can learn and know about such a great epic which is indeed the history of the BHARAT.

© Lasya Shaivite