

Doomed To Burn: Chapter 13
Ronnie, Sydney, and Beth:
I Have to Kill You, Darling

Ronnie was feeling out of it. He was hearing a voice. "rrrriiiieee" He was groggy and gathering himself. Ronnie awoke and he was tied to a pole. He heard the voice. It was from Sydney. " Oh thank god," Sydney said with a sigh of relief. Ronnie's arms behind him She was tied too " Where are we?" He asked.

"I think we're in a basement," Sydney said. Beth knocked us out with a gun. It was probably yours."

Ronnie started to move his wrists while Sydney was talking. " Don't bother dude. I tried getting free. We're stuck here. "

There was a sliding door going to the outside. It reminded him of the house he was the last squatting in. When he thought about it, he started to miss it in away.

Ronnie saw the wooden steps leading up to the house, or whatever they were in. There were two light bulbs on each side of the room. The door at the top of the stairs opened. Out walked beth. The creak of her footsteps could be heard as she walked down the stairs Beth walked around and met their eyes.

"The great and powerful Beth, we meet at last…," Sydney said with the last amount of sarcasm she had left.

"Very cute, but that's got gonna get you out of here, Sydney," Beth said matter-of-factly.
"How'd you know my name?" Sydney asked.
"Took your purse, And your bag, Aaron. Nice addition to your book by the way. Very subtle."
"That's not his name…" Sydney replied. Beth tilted her head in confusion.
"What is it then?" Beth asked.
Sydney and Beth both looked at him. Sydney's face implied that he should say it.

He sighed. " It's…… It' s Ronnie…"

Beth, for the first time since Ronnie and Beth met, started laughing. She laughed for a good minute before catching her breath. "You've got to be shitting me…" she said loudly. Ronnie shook his head in embarrassment.

"Fucking Ronnie…oh man…"

Sydney and Ronnie looked at each other in disbelief. Then Sydney looked at Beth: "What do you want from us?" There was a pause. Beth walked back and forth for a moment. Then she stopped.

"You guys fuck yet?" Beth asked Sydney. "No. Why did..." Sydney looked at him .Ronnie nodded in embarrassment.
"I needed a place to stay..." Ronnie said in a low voice. Beth's voice raised "Oh don't be so modest. Didn't tell her did you?"

Ronnie shook his head. "You fucked her?! Why? She's fucked in the head dude…"

Ronnie's face was blank. He couldn't think of anything to say. "I know why….cause you liked being played…" Beth said. "Huh?" Ronnie asked, confused. "Remember Mongrel? All that stuff? I made it up. And you bought it! I thought you had promised after getting back your gun."

Ronnie looked at Sydney. "Don't ask…." And before Sydney could respond Beth said "And now you can't even fuck her? Man...what happened?"

"Uhhhh….I just don't fuck guys that I meet walking down the Street.." Sydney said. Beth glared at her.

Beth reached around and pulled out Ronnie's gun while staring her. She put the gun down on the ground and slid it towards Sydney. Sydney looked at the gun then back at her“ I'm getting tired of this. I’ll make you a deal. Since we both don't really need him, if you kill him, I'll let you go.’

Without a second thought, Sydney slid the gun right back at beth, “ I’m not buying into your game. It seems you just want to get rid of us ,but don’t know how, right?

Silence filled the room. Beth looked down at the gun. “ This is about your daughter is isn't? He told me about the picture. At first I thought it was nothing, but it makes more sense. That must be her father with her. The orbs that you have must be-”

Beth slid her feet over twtowardsonnie, not knowing she kicked it a foot or two. “You told her that too?! “Yeah I, did.” Ronnie said. “Because I never trusted you, Ronnie tilted his head over to Sydney. The corners of their eyes both met and they both slightly nodded to each other. They both knew what he meant. And what he was planning.

Beth looked down at her hand. Nothing. She wanted the orb to form but still nothing.
Beth turned back to Sydney again
“ How do you figure all this out? Huh?” Ronnie moved over slightly and was able to catch his foot with the but end of the gun.He moved it while they talked.

“Because I worked at the nursing nome your mom was at before she ran off. Again. She told me all about you. Well, not about the otbs. You showed Ronnie here. But u can’t show me? Why huh? Cause you know that-”

Beth stormed over to Sydney and slapped her across the face. You could hear the echo of the impact bounce through the basement. Sydney smiled back. “I’ll take that as yes. But still you-”

“ Dont fucking say it….”

Ronnie added as he pointed the gun at Beth. But she didn’t see it. Her eyes were locked on Sydney “ You and your daughter both have the orbs. Your mom knew. She told And you threw her in the nursing home as pushishment. Last I heard she ran off. What did he happen to her?”

“ I fucking killed her.” Beth’s hands began to get warm.

Click. When Ronnie tried firing the the gun , it was no luck.

Beth looked at Ronnie. “ I knew you’d do something like that.”

Beth raised the right arm right at Ronnie’s face.

“ None of that matters now does it?” Beth’s hand produced a large orb. The largest one yet.

"Sorry. ‘But you know what they say…Darling, I have to kill you."

Ronnie let out a Noo before the orb hi him right him between the eyes. The plasma was so hot that it me ed it down through his brain. When it cool you could only see just his skull. and two extra holes in the front and the back.