

The Spiritual Awakening
Walking past those rough edges of life she was getting to know about how to spiral through the very boundaries of a square she was trapped within.

Void inside, darkness swallowed every cloud of hope and positivity. Yet she figured out to channel those left over positive vibes through the prism of hope.

The spectrum was a mixed result of highs and lows. But then she was always sure that her Amen would someday culminate into something concrete and that certainty made her inch closer towards the worldly mansion of prayers and spiritualism.

Her inner Goddess was shining through her thoughts in the time of vain, pain and despair.
The very phenomena of thundering hope used to bolt across her corners of shallow thoughts, enriching her soul yet again.

Life was serving the very sight of the spectrum from the prismatic lens of her thoughts and inner storehouse of strength.

She was holding back a smile with a tear knowing that there is much more 'amen' to calm her days ahead and yes thr hefty spirit of darkness would remain to stay but that it could never restrain her feather of hope.

She was growing from inside knowing that life is as huge as an ocean and as small as a pearl at the same time. Sometimes she would swim across the ocean and get tired to return back to the shore itself.

And sometimes, she would just find a pearl from that same ocean. The waves would remain forever. But the intensity wont be the same always.

© SreelekhaBose