

Forever In My Heart.
Val looked out, towards her back garden with much sadness in her heart and with tears streaming down her face, as she recalled those days with rosie.
Val remembered the times that she had spent with her best friend, those precious years were like nothing else, as they were completely priceless in val’s heart.
“Everyone finds happiness through
something or other in their lives.” Val thought to herself, and she’s had found hers, in her best friend and most loving companion for all of those years. Those memories would never be lost, as they lived deep inside of her.
During those last 6 months or so, val had come to notice a huge change in rosie. Rosie’s love for the long walks with val had slowly left her.
In those last few months rosie came to know such a strong discomfort of pain, in her back legs. Val felt so useless, with not being able to help rosie feel better, but there was nothing that she could do for her as there was no magic wand, to make this situation disappear.
The vet had advised val to take rosie on slow short walks and only when she felt up to it. Through the following months rosie would accompany val on a few short walks, when she was feeling up to it.
As the weeks were quickly flying by, times were changing and val was very aware of this too. So she’d make more of a fuss of her best friend, just let her know how much she loved her and just how she was truly cherished.
Rosie was val’s champion to and she could do many clever tricks and she’d always show such a good attitude, when she was with the other dogs, that she would come across.
She had been well trained as owner had been around dogs all her life.
Infact val, would often joke to her friends at times just how she much preferred animals to humans. As val felt much more understood by an animal than a real person. The picture sign near the back door stated as much, which only confirmed val’s inner feelings on the subject.
Her friends would laugh and smile at this thinking that val was just joking. Val was the type of young woman to take things quite strongly and often let her emotions rule her without examining why? This would happen many times, throughout val’s life.
This could get val into trouble every now and then in her relationships with men and at times, in friendships with women too.
She was after all a chip off the old block. As val’s mum was just the same on a strong emotional level.
Except the difference with joanie was she was far more confident and much more emotionally controlled, within herself.
Joanie could act a bit scary at times, as val would admit to her close friends on the odd occasion. The behavioural similarities between the two were sometimes uncanny.
Val’s mind continued to race with various thoughts about herself, her friendships, her family, her past relationships and her loss of rosie.
Val would always show a certain kind of strength to the people she knew like wearing a warm cosy coat that was tightly fitted on a cold day.
Yet when it came to rosie, val would act quite differently as she could be her complete and true self, without any explanations. She knew rosie would never judge her, she would only love her.
As val looked out at the homemade grave through her curtain netted kitchen window into her back garden,
she focused on the jar of small sunflowers that were placed next to Rosie’s favourite toy at the side of her grave.
Above was a sign, that val had made for rosie saying… “ Farewell My Beautiful Girl, You Will Be Forever In My Heart.”
Under those words followed the year she was born and the year she had died. Alongside that was picture of the two of them, together in a photo frame.
As val dried her tears, she smiled.
A feeling of peace crossed her heart and she knew that rosie would always be with her in spirit. For she would carry those precious memories of the two of them forever in her heart.


© Josephine Daniels.