

5 Minutes Before The Rapture
Everybody was living their lives on the face of the earth. People was eating, drinking, getting married, and giving in marriage a few people knew about the coming of Jesus and that’s called the rapture. A preacher came outside and started preaching the gospel everybody took heed, a few repented, and a few didn’t take heed they kept doing their wicked deeds the next morning the rapture came and took the ones who believed away and the ones who didn’t believe got left behind for the seven year tribulation Jesus told us in the bible he said in
Mark 1:15

“And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.”

(King James Version) The rapture is a true event that will happen one day all believers will be gone get right now while there is still time don’t wait for tomorrow, days, weeks, months, and years do it today get saved now don’t get left behind get rapture GOD is not playing games GOD is serious Jesus said this in Matthew 22:14

“For many are called, but few are chosen.”

King James Version
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