

After the party (18+)
I was a bit dizzy after a few drinks I had. I told all my friends it's fine not to bother to take me home like they would give a shit anyway.
I didn't have the money to call a taxi and the wind was cold not so many people where around it got dark really quickly as I walked across the road and went inside a park.
not so many people around as I saw a girl from my school
she seemed to be the new girl she had short brown hair it shines like the starts and her brown eyes where dark as the park.
she was smoking and looked lonely so I approach her slowly and she caught my eye as I looked away a bit and came up to her.


"hello" her voice was soft but sounded evil at the same time

I lifted my head up to connect our eyes

"your the new girl right um..... "

"Alice." she blew the smoke out

I nodded "right I'm ema"

she looked at me after as she threw the cigarettes away.

"okay." she started to walk away as I grabbed her hand

"wait. can you walk me home if it not a bother. "

she looked at me and said "it is a bother let me go now and leave me alone. "

I signed as I let go and looked at her she walked away from me she was wearing a jacked and a long shirt she also had joggers on black ones.

I rolled my eyes as I thought she was a bitch "well okay slut. " I cover my mouth as I said that not knowing how did that come out

she stopped walking as she turned to me slowly and said "excuse me?! " my heart started to race as I looked at her "s-sorry it just came out.. "

she approaches me slowly and looked at me "fine I take you home. but you will make me tea"
I nodded and agreed

we started to walk none of us said a word as we finally came to my house "okay here we are I guess come in and I make you tea.. " she nodded as I open the door she walked inside and taken her shoose of I threw the keys on the table and I took off my shoose to

"anybody home" she asked
I nodded no.

as I walked to the kicked "black tea right? " she nodded as she walked to me "can I see your room. I wanna see your style. "
I raise my eyebrow "how do I know your not gonna rob me? " she smiled "you will never find out then" she walked away from me "so where is your room. "

I pointed to my door as I heated up the water and grabbed a cup she walked in as I put a tea bag in and waited.

as it was done I pour it in as I picked up the cup and walked into my room to see her "so how is my style" she was sitting on my bed legs cross and looking up as she looked at me after I said that

"it's not bad."

I gave her tea as she looked at me "thank you. " as she grabbed it she didn't take a sip or anything but put it on my table

"hm? " she grabbed my hand and pulled me closer "u-um Alice "

she didn't say say anything as she pushed me into her lap
I looked at her surprise as I was sitting on her lap she wrapped her hands around me as I blushed and felt my heart beating fast
she grabbed my shit as she pulled me to her I felt her breath on my lips
after that well....
she kissed me I didn't know what was happening or what to do I wanted to push her off but my body just wanted her
I kissed her back as she bite my lower lip and she fell back to my bed and I moved my hand down to start to finger her as I did put 2 fingers inside her I felt her soft moan and I kissed her neck

what was I doing
she is a girl
I should stop
but I don't want to.

it was wet dripping in my fingers as I moved them
her soft moans turned me on as she took a breath in
"I'm Cumming"