

Explorer 1 - Stuck in Space
I remember getting into the spacecraft around 10:00am that morning with my crew. Our faces beaming with smiles as we have been looking forward to this day. For most of us, it was our first time. Our mission was to explore space and come back with some discoveries. At 11:00 am our spacecraft, Explorer 1, launched into space. We saw ourselves floating and we held our hands to form a circle in mid air. We saw Galaxy of stars. It was so beautiful and shiny. We saw the Gas Giants – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune; and good thing we had an Astronomer amongst us who could not keep his mouth shut and thereby kept us more entertained.
Our elated mood changed when a gigantic Asteroid hit the Orbiter, i guess we neglected the basics of astronautics. The Explorer 1 came to a stop right there in space and we were so lucky it didn’t come near the Black Hole. We notified the authorities of our situation but unfortunately, they couldn’t come to our aid until four days time.
“I can’t believe we are stuck in space” one of our crew members yelled.
She wanted to cry but was advised not to as her tears will firm a giant lump and break free from her eyes; it will only end up floating in the air. It is really a hard time for us for we couldn’t eat some food we really wanted to, like bread; for it result in crumbs that can damage equipment or can be inhaled, same with pepper. Our sleep could not be well coordinated with the rising and setting of the sun. And even when we bath, in place of showers, we take sponge baths using water distilled from humidity in the air. All these we had to endure, more than we expected, while stuck in space.
Today is the third day, and tomorrow we should be out of space. Love what I am seeing but not what I am experiencing. I can’t to go back to our beloved Mother Earth.