

The Healing Bandage
We can remain in pain and miserable to the point that no one else now cares, and we can stay in that unhealthy mindset for so long where it show that we haven't overcome from the dramas that destroyed our hopes and dreams.

Being wounded on the inside is different from being wounded on the outside. There's no literal bandaged, ointment, medication that can be placed on an open wound on the inside.

A broken heart now has an open wound that's bleeding out love and if not repaired properly and quickly hatred will start to flow out too.

We cannot allow our pains of this life to completely destroy everything inside of us and at the same time allow it to destroy the outside with it.

Taking back our hopes and dreams, not allowing ourselves to give into the frustrations of no movement which can lead to giving up on oneself.

When we give up on ourselves and with no one around us - who can convince us otherwise, we will end a life that had promise, purpose, and a future and even had someone that loved them.

"A healing bandage is used in mending the heart; it includes using honesty of words, by bestowing the right actions, and by applying forgiveness to everything else".

Failure to apply this bandage to the heart will lead to the total destruction of the soul from the inside out and not from the outside in.

© V's Says