

Hey guys! I am back with another challenge...🥳🥳.
Hehe...I am glad u all loved my challenges😇....Now time for the new Fun challenge..
So...(Rule is: Don't u dare choose beyond my options 🧐🧐...Or I will call the police👮👮)
So in specific questions there will be some choices for Boys and girls separately..... scroll down to know more🤭 choose from options.

1)Ok, so someone asked Ur name...but that person is disgusting 💩.
U will say..
a] I am sweet potato
b] I am a Purple cactus...go away before I attack with my thorns.😹

2)U are out of control, who's fault it is?
a] Brain
b] Heart

3)U will be...
a] An angel who murders
b] a devil who annoys

4)U have to do either one...
(Boys) a] Wear all pink for 48hrs (including boys clothes but girly colours)
b] Wear Skirts and crop top for 48 hrs😂😂(Don't kill me, u have to choose)
(Girls) a] No long hairs boyscut for 24 hrs
b] Wear dhoti Panjabi For 24hrs🤣

5)World war 3 will start for..
a] Oil

6)Choose one..
a] 30 Biriyani packets free
b] No studies for 1 week but topper..

7)Mine and @Tanni2730 fights are...
a] Silly
b] Logical😂

8)If Our phone was a President then...
a] U want Facebook to Be cheif minister...
b] U want writco to be Panchayat😂😂

9)U will ban..
a] Maths
b] Commerce

10)When I get angry on u...
a] I look Ferocious (I do😎)
b] I look ____(I don't know guess Out of control)

11) U will turn everyone to...
a] Chicken for 1 day
b] Panda for 1 day

12)Answer this if u can...😎
(Boys) a] u will wear lipstick for a day
B] U will wear glitter skirt
(Girls)a] U will wear Moustache
b] U will wear Dhoti

13) Let's go for time-travel u will...
a] Bring t-rex to Your balcony
b] Change the concept of Gravity😃

14) Are u excited for The next challenge?
a) Absolutely
b) Not at all😁

How u like this? hope u enjoy.....Tag me and mention #Challengemaster
don't forget the hashtag or I can't see Ur challenge...
Do surely follow me for more😊

© Asmita.writer