

When it picked up my phone...
Summer vacations were on its way, me and my friend Ria were all set to visit our village side friend who haven't took a visit at our place ever since two years. We've received a letter saying she was facing some family issues so she won't be able to show up in a while. We were busy preparing for our finals so we also didn't tried to contact her.
Today was finally the time we were desperately waiting for. We booked our train and set our motion towards heera gaon being all effervescent. As we entered our destination we were acting like crazy as we were all set with the plans on how we're gonna spend our vacation altogether after such a long time. Soon we stepped on the station as we perceived a familiar figure. It was her, Jia....
Soon as we saw her, we ran to her to give a bone crashing hug. Tears flowing down our eyes like a running river, smiles growing on our faces descently. After few minutes we broke the hug and then make headway towards her home.
The clock was showing 9pm as we reached there.
She told us that her parents were out for some work so she has to live alone for a month.
We talked for a while with her then completed our dinner and planned to play some games before we go to sleep. As I went to set my luggage in the cupboard I realised I forgot my phone at home. But I had Ria with me so there weren't any worries. I went back to Ria and Jia as I was done keeping my belongings when suddenly a silly idea striked my small brain.
I asked Ria for her phone and told them that I have forgotten my phone. So I decided to make a ring on my phone, although I knew no one was going to pick it up as everyone in my house were out for some purpose. Still I decided to Ring on it to annoy them a bit.
As I dialed my number, the ring kept going and they were looking at me with the most frustrating faces ever!!
As I was about to cut the call, someone picked it up....
I creeped out. They thought I was pranking them and that I was trying to scare them. But they also got serious as we heard a loud "thud"sound. Shivering with fear, I managed to ask in my trembling voice, 'Who are you? What are you doing at my home?' We heard a deadly growling sound from the other side. I quickly cut down the phone in fear and tried calling my parents but no response.
I was frustrated, didn't know what to do.
The very next morning I decided to head back to my place, apologising Jia for not able to stay longer. We hugged and bid goodbye to each other and went back to our place.
As I was getting more closer to my destination, my blood gushed in my body like an athlete, throat was all sore, didn't knew what to do.
As I arrived home, I saw my parents with police, our house was all destroyed. My parents were devasted thinking the house had been burglarized.
But It didn't at all looked like that someone had entered for stealing purpose because we saw some some mysterious foot prints heading towards the the ceiling. Those prints wasn't appear to belonging to a normal person because they were too thin and long. We were all confused as to what was happening...
We decided to call the owner who rented us that house few months ago. Even the owner was surprised to witness such scenario.
He then told us that there's a mystery behind that house. He said, 'Few years ago, a man had came to live at that place. Не use to stay all depressed all the time and never talked to anyone except the owner. One day he came home all frustrated as he had got fired from his job. The owner was also feeling bad about his condition. That entire day he didn't open the door.
The next morning, he came in his yard to wish me morning as my home is right infront of that home. But that man wasn't looking normal, the owner said. He was all pale as if he hadn't eaten anything since decades and had many cut marks on his body and face.
Catching a deep breath he further told us, the next day I didn't saw him but at night, his curtains weren't covering his windows giving me a clear view of his entire room through the glass window. That night I saw him, he wasn't a human anymore, he was a psycho. He was tearing all his face skin and his body. He was beating himself with a belt miserably while laughing like a beast all that time.
Suddenly he saw me looking at him, I thought I was doomed, he will be coming to kill me now but something unexpected happened...
He went straight to the terrace, looked at me bidding me a good bye with that creepiest smile and then jumped off not before burying the knife in his own stomach...
This was how miserably he died. And yesterday was the day exactly when all these events took placed, the owner scoffed crying...
He further continued that if any of our family member must have been home yesterday, then his spirit must've killed us the same way he died...
The moment my parents heard this we all shifted to a new place and
that house was then celled by police. Now it's been a week I'm living at a knew place.
Even still now whenever I get the flashback of that day, my soul shivers thinking what would have happened if any one of us had spent time at that house that day.....

© Kishori.T