

What I did was right?(part 2)

My thinking process was stopped for that time...
I was doing what I felt was right...
I headed towards hospital I saw the same patient's family whom I met earlier..I talked to him and did what I should have done earlier...I was very happy at that time as I was able to save life of someone..
But as I started to walk towards home I realised will my parents will be happy of what I did ...
What will happen when I will tell them what I did ...
Thinking this again and again made me more and more worried..
I went home parents were happy we were doing dinner but I wasn't able to eat anything that mom asked is everything fine or u are not able to eat because of excitement to go to college...
But soon I burst out ...
Tears flowed from my eyes,
I couldn't stop crying..
My parents didn't understand what going in my mind....
And so I told them everything what happened....
They said I don't understand why don't u use Ur brain..
Our hard earned money u wasted it on someone else..
U must have asked us before taking such a big step...
I don't understand whether to be proud of u or to scold u...
Now how will u get admission in collage have u ever thought of it...
I don't have enough money left even to fulfill our daily expenses..
These words of my parents just hit me more hard than a bullet...
Not a single person after it was able to eat anything..
Next day I don't know who was calling so many times I don't felt like talking to anyone ..so I switched off the phone..
But soon I heard landline phone ringing..mom picked up phone . And when I tried to focus what she was talking because her to tone was completely changed..
She called me down in a hurry and asked me to rush in the same hospital where I went yesterday..I couldn't even able to ask her why to go there...
I rushed there and shocked to see that there were people sitting on chair as if it's a ceremony . And soon one of then welcome me every one started to clap for me I didn't understand what's happening..then on reaching the stage the chairman on mike started to say "this boy did a very nice work he instead of giving his money for admission gave money for operation of a child ...not only this he also donated his kidney to that child, we are really proud of you.. because of your work we are giving you free admission in the college u wanted to go ...(everyone started to clap ) .I was shocked to see this then he ask me to speak few words ..
I said .."I think real honour goes to my parents because of the values they taught me in my childhood that I was able to do such a nice work ..real thanks goes to them.. " I was proud when they asked my parents to join me on stage ...
It was such a nice day that I still remember and feel happy inside...

© wonucarat