

A Life Forgotten, A Life Remembered Part 23

Part 23
   Run For Comfort

  As I approached
The King of Klubs
Ben was standing post at the entrance.

He asked,
" Hey you, what you doing walking all alone in the dark?"

I said,
" Can't sleep! What are you still doing here? Thought it was only for the big shindig."

He said,
" It was, but Sam made me an offer I couldn't refuse."

I said rather sarcastically,
" What, lower pay?"

I laughed, but in all seriousness, Sam really isn't a tight wad.

I added,
" Seriously though, what did he offer?"

He said,
" Nothing big, just a little more than I was making, but it was the low key setting that got me."

I couldn't agree more.

I said,
"Yea, it is a chill kinda spot."

  Ben wasn't much of a talker, and neither was I,
so before the silence got uncomfortable, I decided to go get my drink on.

I said,
" Well Ben, I'm gonna leave you, cuz I needs me a drink."

I went inside, and was really glad to see that Jack was working tonight.
I'm guessing Wanda took the night off.
She did the Monday through Thursday shifts. Where as Mina, Jack , and myself did the weekend.

Wanda preferred the weekdays because she said it was a hassle serving and cleaning up after a bunch of drunk fucktards.
I thought it was hilarious when she said this.

She is what they call an acquired taste, and I would have to be in a really great mood to tolerate her personality.
Tonight just wasn't the night to take her crued forwardness.

I admit that sometimes I have the mouth of a sailor, but Wanda's isn't just profane, she's down right obscene.
Which is why I'm glad that Jack is here.

I sat my ass at the bar, as Jack walked towards me.

He asked,
" What can I get you beautiful?"

I said,
" Crown, straight up."

Jack had a crooked smile that I thought was adorable, but I would never tell him this.

He said,
" You got it!"

He was good looking in a bad boy sorta way, and certainly my type of exercise.
Well, he would be if I had a type.

Oh who am I kidding, the only type of exercise I've been interested in is the hard core workouts I've had with Dominik.

  Though I did notice some similarities in those two, but in many many ways they were different. Especially with the whole demon thing.
I'm sure there are some things they have in common.
I think!

Jack is lean, and pretty close in height. His body is definitely fit, but not bulky like Ben.
His muscles flex when he lifts heavy things, or . . .
  When I watch him wipe the bar down, and his bicep protrudes from his shirt.
However, Jack did have something I loved seeing on a man.
He had piercings, and body art.
Yup, Jack is indeed a dish I'd like to order right about now.

The thought made me smile, and a heated blush rushed straight to my face.
I lowered my head hoping he didn't see that.

There were a few weekend regulars hanging around tonight, but for the most part the place was quiet.

  After a few drinks,
I finally was able to unwind, but
I wasn't ready to go just yet. I also knew that it wouldn't be wise to walk if I stayed til closing. I debated whether I should bounce now, or....
My thoughts were interrupted.

  Sam came in through the back door carrying a couple of cases, and he was surprised to see me sitting here.

He said,
" Hey, my favorite eye candy. What brings you in on your night off?"

I wondered if Sam noticed the annoyed expression on my face. Jack certainly did.

I said with irritation in my tone.
" Sam, how many times do I have to remind you? You're my boss, it's not appropriate to call me your eye candy, cotton candy, or anything else that causes cavities!"

  Jack looked at Sam and shook his head

Sam chuckled then said,
" So I guess sweet cheeks is out of the question, huh? Shannon, you're sitting at the bar having drinks. Which makes you a customer, which makes you eye candy for this old man."

I closed my eyes because to be honest, I really wasn't in the mood to explain the whole sexual harassment bid to him. Besides, I knew Sam was only kidding.

This teasing started a few months ago when a guy I dated gave me stupid nicknames. Sam made jokes about it, but that's another story to be told.

Tonight I just wasn't in the mood for any humor at all. Any other time I would probably laugh about it but tonight wasn't the time.
Still I have to say that Sam is pretty cool in my book.

I made my decision, and raised my finger to Jack.

I said
" One more before I bounce."

He smiled as he poured me another drink.

He then said,
" This one's on me beautiful."

He gave me a wink, then turned to Sam
and said,
" Beautiful sounds better than eye candy old man. You should know this."

Sam waved him off, and continued to stock up the ice box.

I took my drink and shot it straight down, then went to the ladies room.

My head was filled with many thoughts, and they were coming at me from every direction. Not to mention the alcohol didn't help either.
Needless to say that coming here may not have been such a great idea, and I definitely needed to sober up.

One thing was for sure, I needed to keep my thoughts of Dominik buried.

I walked out the door, and Ben started
rambling something about me needing a car.
There's a great idea, like I really need to get behind the wheel after shooting down some drinks.
I was gonna head towards the parking lot when Jack stepped out.

He asked,
" Shannon how are you getting home?"

My fingers did the walking as I said,
"My place isn't far, I'll be ok."

He said,
" Yea, but I won't know if you made it home safe."

His words made me think of Malekai.
I quickly pushed the thought out of my head.

He then added as he held his finger up.
" Give me a minute, I'll be right back."

He went inside, and it didn't take him long to return.

I asked him before he spoke a word.
" How far is your place Jack?"

Ben raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

Jack smiled, then said,
" Not far, my bike is over there."

He pointed towards the parking lot where Sam's car was parked.
Next to it was a blue, and silver striped
Ninja ZX something, something.
I definitely knew it was nice, and shiny.

I turned to Ben, and told him goodnight, then walked towards the bike.

Ben whispered to Jack,
" You lucky fucker!"

  We rode out onto the street, and I asked myself what the fuck am I doing.
I work with Jack.
What if this gets weird.
Damn, this isn't like me.

Lately I don't know who I am.
I'm not sure if I  normally do things like this.

What I am sure of is that I don't want to be alone tonight, and certainly not with Domi....

Ugh! I need to get him out of my head.

I rested my head on Jack's shoulder, and wrapped my arms around him.

There was no traffic at this hour, so it didn't take us long to get to his place.

He parked the bike on the driveway, and as I was getting off, I checked out the house.

  It was nice, and the landscaping was beautiful. The porch almost took up the length of the front part of the house, and a swing hung at the corner of it.

It didn't seem like Jack's style, but I could be wrong.

I thought, perhaps he lives with his parents, and I probably would have thought he might be gay, but then why would I be here.

Not that I think it's wrong to be gay.
After all who am I to judge.

He asked,
"So, what do you think?"

  I was once told if you can't think of anything that won't hurt someone's feeling's, then keep your trap shut.
It went something like that, I think. Same message to it.
I simply nodded in approval.

He laughed and took me by the hand.

He said,
" This is my sister's house, I live in the guest house out back."

Jokingly, I let a sigh of relief.

I then said,
" Oh man, I was wondering if you were a momma's boy still living with your parents, or possibly gay. "

His jaw dropped, with an expression of shock combined.

He said,
" Wow, I can't believe you thought I lived with my folks!"

I shrugged my shoulders, and said,
" Well, you don't look like a porch swinging, flower planting kinda guy. Unless you smoke them. Wait you didn't deny being gay."

Jack laughed so hard, but I didn't think it was that funny.

He said,
" No crazy girl, I'm not gay, and I'm surprised you caught that."

Fucker, he's definitely got some jokes.
I thought to myself,
I really liked Jack's company, he really puts me at ease.

He said,
" And no, I don't smoke either, but I am an adrenaline junkie. That's why I opted for the bike instead of a car."

An adrenaline junkie, I could see that in him. At least it doesn't make him a bore to hang out with.

He continued,
" I will say that on occasion, I do enjoy swinging on the porch, and having an ice cold glass of lemonade."

Surprise, surprise, Jack is full of them.

We headed towards the back of the main house. His place was as I had imagined it would be like.
A garage turned into an effeciency. It wasn't so neatly decorated, but it had what it needed.

The living area was small, but roomy enough to fit a regular sized futon, and a small table.
The kitchen had all the amenities in a compact version.

Still it wasn't overly crowded, and he kept it clean. That's a plus because I have trouble keeping my place in order..

Towards the back of this garage slash efficiency, a wall, and double sliding doors were installed.
These doors led to his room, which was the only one separate from the rest. I'm guessing the bathroom was behind those doors.

Jack watched me as I walked towards the bedroom. I opened the doors and went in.

The bedroom area was a good size. It was big enough for a queen bed, and a couple of other pieces for a tube, and a lamp. The bathroom was obviously an addition.

I smiled, and again, nodded in approval.

I said,
" It's kinda cozy, I like it!"

Jack was quiet as he stood by the door. He seemed a little nervous, and I was beginning to think he was having second thoughts.

  I raised an eyebrow, but didn't say a word. I was giving him an opportunity to bail out.

After a few moments, I went to sit down on the bed.

As I took my boots off,
I asked,
" Jack, do I make you nervous?"

He answered,
" No, but you do seem a little devilish."

I licked my lips as I looked him up, and down.

I asked,
"Is that a bad thing?"

He was quiet for a moment, and stood there with his arms crossed.

I offered my hand, inviting him to join me.
He walked towards me, but didn't take my hand.

I stood up, and said,
" Tonight is anything you want night. As long as you understand that it is what it is. No strings attached, no tripping over feelings, etc!"

Jack looked into my eyes, and I saw my own reflection in his.
My eyes were bright as the flames of a fire.

This should have scared me, but it didn't. Then I wondered if Jack's comment had any thing to do with this. That is, if he had seen what I did.

I was distracted from my thoughts when he brushed his lips against mine.

The kiss was gentle, and sweet, and I had my answer.
Relief washed over me.

A warm feeling followed as his tongue parted my lips, seeking a deeper, and more intimate kiss.
I put my hands on his chest, pushing away from his lips.

Jack looked at me with questioning eyes.

I asked,
" Jack, are you ok with my terms?"

He said,
" You have no idea how long I've waited for a chance to be with you. If tonight is all I have, then let's not spend it talking."

I kissed him
then said,
" Then I'm all yours tonight."

Jack leaned in and caught my lower lip between his teeth, then released it as his tongue slipped in. Tasting, savoring, while his hands ventured to places they've been wanting to touch.

He pulled my shirt over my head, and caressed my skin. His hand slid down to the small of my back, then slowly moved until a firm grip took hold of my ass.

The kiss was harder now and Jack searched and found the buttons on my jeans. One by one he unbuttoned them, and as he started to pull them off, my impatient hands helped speed up the process.

I laid on the bed wearing only my panties, as I watched him undress.
Damn, Jack looked really hot.

He stared at my body as if he were memorizing every part of me, while his hands slowly moved up caressing my legs.
I bit my lip, anxious with his teasing touch.

He took his time touching, then he gently spread my legs apart.

Fingers firmly pressing, gripping my thighs, I closed my eyes when he reached the warmth between my legs.

Jack rubbed the back of his hand against my heated spot.
His sensual touch had the heat within me rising, and he felt the moisture seep through.

He slipped his fingers under my panties, and my breath caught.
Stroking, and releasing the warm liquid onto them.

He whispered,
  " You're hot, and wet beautiful. "

Raising them to the tip of his tongue and tasting the warm drops.

Jack reached for my panties, and slid them off, tossing them aside.
With a strong hold of my hips, he then pulled me down to the edge of the bed.

He placed soft kisses from my ankles to my thighs. His tongue licked, gliding up my leg, and he raised his head to look at me.

He whispered,
" Open up beautiful."

Jack's touch was teasing, and I did as he asked. I felt his thumb encircling until it made its way through my soft heated petals.
My body reacted to his gentle stroke.
With a groan he then said,
" I want to taste you beautiful."

He gently pushed my legs further apart. There was no resistance as he bent down, and I felt his hot breath against my body. My blood was rushing, and the heat within me rose higher.
His lips were soft, as he placed more tender kisses on my thigh, then on my hip, until his tongue parted my petals.
Oh my go...
My body was on fire, as he licked the moisture from me.
Pushing his tongue further, Jack found what he was seeking.
I was in ecstasy, it was hot, and wonderful. My hips rose, moving closer, and my legs were completely opened.
I placed my hands on him as he grabbed my thigh, raising it, squeezing it, and held it in place while he took hold of my gem. His tongue circled around it, and a sweet sensation had my insides trembling with hot pleasure.
My release was coming, and his hand was under my ass pushing me up closer, as he sucked on my gem that was ready to explode.

My body followed his every move as my hips rose up and down.
Jack held my body firmly in place, and he began sucking a little harder.
I grabbed his hair, as the hot flow came pouring out.
My hips jerked, as he pushed himself towards the heat of my release.
My body was quivering as he drank every drop. Jack didn't stop until he felt my heat rising once more.
I was ready again and he coaxed me to move up.

On the bed, still on his knees, Jack pulled me up to straddle him.
He held my thighs against his body, and entered me with a hard thrust.
His touch was a little rough now, and it really turned me on.
Our rythm got faster as he slid in and out of me. Then he took a hand full of my hair, and pulled it back, and exposing my breast. He kissed me, then bit my lower lip.
I was so heated up, I dug my nails down his back.That turned up the heat in him.

Jack turned me around and pulled me by the hips towards him. He placed his hand on my lower back, as he slid inside me. With the other hand squeezing my hip he fucked me slow, and hard. Jack felt so good inside of me.
I reached back to grabbed his side, and his thrust became harder, and faster. He groaned, grabbing my hips tighter, and my moans grew louder, as he raised my body to sit on his.
Our bodies in perfect rythm. Jack was fucking me good, and hard. My release was coming now, I raised my arm, wrapping it around his neck, he bit my shoulder.
I screamed, as I came in a heated rush.
Then with a final hard thrust, Jack pulled out and released his passion on me.

We fell towards the bed, and our breathing was hard. He lay beside me, but his hands never stopped touching me. My body quivered, and I glanced over to a dark corner where something had caught my eye just before I came.

A set of  flamed eyes were watching, then slowly faded away.

After catching our breathe, I watched Jack as he walked out of the room. The view was definitely nice, and the tattoos only added to his already beautiful body. Jack was indeed fit, and we'll packaged.

To think all this time he was right under my nose.
I let out a quiet laugh, as he returned and heard me.

He asked,
" What's so funny?

I replied,
" Nothing, I was just thinking of something."

He brought me a bottled water, and a washcloth.

He said,
" Turn around beautiful."

I did as he asked, then he wiped my back side. I thought it was sweet of him.

We lay there talking for a bit, when he caught me completely off guard.

He asked,
" Shannon, who's Dominik?"

I was surprised when he asked me this, but I remained cool. I'm not so sure that I had a convincing expression, but he wasn't looking at me, so that was good.

I asked,
"Why do you ask?"

He didn't hesitate to answer.
He said,
" You screamed his name when you came."

I still didn't react to what he said.

I then said,
"Sorry, are you ok?"

He didn't answer for a moment.

He then said,
" I don't know, I've never had that happen."

I really wanted to lighten up the mood, but how would I do that.

Finally I said,
" If it helps, I've never done that before."

Quiet laughter came from both of us.

Then I asked,
" You sure you're ok?
It's really nothing."

He didn't say anything.

I got up, and asked him,
" Mind if I use your shower?"

A simple nod is all he gave me.

Though tonight was supposed to be a casual roll in the sheets kinda night, I do feel bad about it.

However I really don't owe him an explanation, but I did apologize. It's the only thing I could do.

In the shower I thought about what happened before we climaxed.
In a dark corner of the room, there were eyes of flames watching us. 
It could have been my imagination, but I seriously doubt it.

  If I am right, then my watcher viewed more than a load of exercise.

Even though this is a one night thing, the intimacy between Jack, and I was unlike anything Dominik's ever had before me. I think...

I'm certain it was him, because I wasn't frightened, but I am wondering why he was here tonight, and why did I see flames in my reflection when I looked into Jack's eyes?

Jack was sitting outside when I was done. I went to join him, and wondered what was going through his mind. I sat across from him, and lit up a cigarette.

My attempt to make small talk didn't go as smooth as I wanted it to.

I said,
" Wow, it is really quiet out here."

His crooked smile returned, and he said,
" Yea it usually is, except for tonight with all the moaning, and groaning."

I said,
" You should have bound, and gagged me."

We laughed quietly.

I asked,
" Do you think she heard us?"

He answered,
" Nah, she's a heavy sleeper."

Jack's smile slowly disappeared, and his expression was serious now.

He said,
" Shannon, I know tonight is a casual fuck kinda thing, so don't worry about what happened. It just surprised me, that's all. Nothing like this has ever happened to me, but I'm good.
My ego wasn't bruised."

He let out something like a laugh.

I said,
" It surprised you? Hell I didn't even know I did it."

We were quiet for a good moment.

Then I said,
" Still, I am sorry."

He replied,
" I'd like you to stay, but if you want, I can take you home."

I stood up, and walked to the door.

I said,
" I'm tired, gonna go to bed."

He watched me as I opened the door, but
  before I stepped inside, I turned to look at him.

Then I asked him,
"Care to join me?"

His smile returned, and he followed right behind.

 Some kind of feeling washed over me.
It had been long since I was held until I fell asleep, and there were no nightmares to wake me. It felt good.

No, it was better than good.
  It was wonderful.

       Written by
  Sarah M Gutierrez


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