

the break ; yet not the end
I knew it'd be hard, but never imagined every day without talking to you, knowing that it's probably just a year ...yeah "just" a year, would feel like prison I don't really know how this "just" one year will pass.
Everyday, every moment all I want is you. I'm so desperate now I can't even tell yaar. Sometimes I'm dying for just one glimpse of you. I want to keep looking at you caring abt nothing else just keep looking at you until I forget whatever the pain I've been going through.

You have no idea how I've been doing without you neither do I actually. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's okay, sometimes it's like I can manage, but sometimes I'm like I wish you were here... to hold me close, to tell me that no matter what happens you'll be there....You'll be there even if everyone leaves, you'll be there to wipe my tears if I cry, you'll be there to comfort me if I'm lonely, you'll be there to support if I feel lost, you'll be there to make me feel lively again feel like myself again.
But the thought that I'll have to get through this break is scary enough to make me lose hope. But I won't, don't worry, because I know there's this day when you'll come to me and assure me that you won't be leaving ever again.
And for this day to come I'll have to be strong, for you, for me, and for us.
And I'm sure I'll endure this if it comes us.

You know what I was always like..." I'm gonna be independent. There will be just one person I'll rely on and that is me." But things never go as expected right look how independent I am, cannot even handle myself in smallest problems. But one thing all this have made me realise for sure that sharing sad moments and crying in front of someone doesn't make me weak. It's just that I have a person in my life who can make me feel stronger, rather be my strength. With whom I can share all my happiness and all the problems too. Who can make me smile in any situation. Who would always be there to solve my issues no matter how busy he is.

And don't you dare think that I'm overestimating you after reading this okay. It's just that you're understimating yourself and only I know how worthy you are and how much you can care and love for the person you've chosen.
For me it was always like don't ever let anyone feel lonely or sad, but no-one actually did that for me. But now I understand how it fees to be loved, to be cared selflessly.

I never in my life thought someone would love me so much, care for me and my happiness so much. I always thought I am of the type that no one would ever like, but you've proved me wrong in all possible ways and now I can even love myself more than I used to. I fell in love with you but meanwhile you made me feel special and made me see how important I can be for someone.

I don't know what the future holds for us but I'm soo sure now that no one would ever love me like you do.

During this break I've always been thinking like what if this what if that and stuff. But you know what, I've also thought that I always used to beleive that loving is just useless like literally...those who get in this stuff gets destroyed but nooo, now when I'm experiencing this it feels a lot different, like no one ever showed or told this side of love. Everytime when it comes to love people are like.. heartbreaks and failures and sadness and emotional damage etc etc. But the reality seems more different now.

Even if we see each other daily it feels like decades passed and that one look isn't enough to see you whole heartedly.
Anyways rn I just wish for us to be stronger.
Just know that I'm waiting for you. I'll be waiting until the day you tell me that "the wait is over and now it can be us".