

Why Is It Ok ?
One day I was feeling out of it and wanted to get out the house to do something I didn't care what it was as long as I was out the house so the first thing I did was went and grab some pizza then I hit up the mall got a few items from there I decided to go home and relax a bit , later that night my best friend hit me up and ask me would i and a couple of other people that I knew wanted to go out for drinks of course I was down , later that night around 10:37 p.m we went and got drinks and decided to go to the club so around 11:26 p.m we at the club turning up having fun so I received a call and told my friends I was stepping outside so I can hear better so before I make it outside this fine masculine female bumps into me and quickly apologize and I told her it was ok so I continue to walk outside , I called my sister back and we talked and joked then I hear a sexy voice behind and she said I want to laugh to as I turn around I see it's the girl who bumped into me so I said after you almost took my shoulder off she laughed and she said and I apologized for that I said yes you did she said I'm jazz & I said hi jazz I'm passion so we talked for like 15 minutes then exchange numbers we then went back in the club , me & my friends were wasted before it was over so after we went and got something to eat from denny's then we went to this after stop which was lit asf beautiful girls everywhere so me and my friends in the middle of the dance floor dancing then I hear rotimi ft wale-in my bed so as I wine my hips I feel somebody hands grab my waist as I look back and I see it's jazz the girl I met at the club so I keep dancing so we both grinding on the dance floor so my friends and her friends danced until closing I remember making it home around 6:32 a.m I took a shower drunk some orange juice then I was knocked out woke up later day at 5:15 p.m I had 6 missed called & 13 texts I was still sleepy so I didn't check who any of the calls or text was from so I took a shower ordered food and relaxed a bit then I finally checked my phone and replied to make sure everyone was ok and jazz text me so I texted and let her know I was knocked out and she replied quick made me blush or whatever so we chatted for a hour then she video called me I was nervous to answer so I let it ring waited 5 minutes then called back she said hello beautiful thanks for calling me back we talking from 6 p.m till 3 a.m I loved how she's open minded like me and can keep a interesting conversation going so a week go by she finally asked me out on a date so of course I accepted so I spent that day shopping for something nice to wear and I finally got everything I needed so I went home and got ready she made it there at 8 p.m to pick me up we went on our date and we both enjoyed ourselves later that night around 11 we pulled back up to my house and she asked for a kiss before I get out the car she got out and came and open my door reached for my hand and walked me to the door and this time I kissed her and told her thank you for a wonderful night so now it's a month later we been chilling heavy so one day someone called her phone and she got so upset so I didn't really say anything so a couple days go by and our conversations change but I didn't really trip because she wasn't my girl but i would be dishonest if I said it didn't bother me a little bit because I like her so a week after that we talked for like three hours after we got off the phone my friends come over and said get dressed we going to the beach so I go get ready we stopped by walmart to get a few things my best friend said hey passion isn't that jazz and who is that girl she with me I don't know let's finish getting the stuff so when we can go so when i get in the car I text her & ask her what she doing and she lied and said she was with her mom and she will talk to me later at this point I'm a lil irritated because im understanding and she didn't have to lie to me so we went to the beach and had a great time around 10 something that night jazz text me and asked can she come over and I told her I was tired but honestly I was kinda of over it you lied to me when you didn't have to so the next day I told her to meet me at this park I go to and she came so I ask her is she really single she said yes so I said so who was that girl you was with in walmart she said nobody I said ok next thing I know I hear I knew you was up to no good that's why I followed you how you suppose to be my wife but you out here with somebody else I was disgusted at this point so now they yelling at each other and i walked away got in my car & I left a hour later jazz blowing up my phone and she said she really needs to talk to me so I went to hear what she had to say the fact that I was so irritated everything she said sounded like bs so I asked WHY IS IT OK for you to lead me on knowing you are married why is it ok for you not to keep it real with me when that's all I ask for so she said but I like you and I want to divorce my wife I said don't divorce your wife because of me because after this point I will never take you seriously if you quick to cheat on your wife you'll cheat on me to at this point all I hear is BLAH BLAH BLah so I told her I had to go and she said you not getting rid of me that easily at the time I didn't pay it any mind the next day she calling , texting hitting me up on my social media I was annoyed so i went to get me some food I then ran into jazz wife so she ask if she can talk to me so I wanted to know the full story so we talked and she tells me that she been married to jazz for 10 years with 4 kids so I ask her do they live in the same house she said yeah so I was confused because we was always texting and on the phone then she said she be in the chill room a lot in my head I'm like wow this girl then she asked me if i ever had intercourse with jazz and I said no and I'm glad we didn't so she said you the first 1 so i said the first what she said you the first girl she hasn't slept with so I said so you allow her to cheat or y'all have a open relationship her I love her so much I asked her why it is ok to put up with things you don't deserve why is it ok to allow her to misplace your crown you are a queen and it's time she treat you like one in the moment it look like she wanted to cry I felt bad for her because I am now one of the females her wife stepped out with so she said it's no hard feelings and walked away I'm in my car like wow ... so four months go by I get a phone call from a number I don't know usually I don't answer for numbers I don't know but I answered this day and It was jazz ughhh here we go !?! she told me she divorced her wife and is ready for something with me so I ask her was she joking and she like no honestly I know I was a bad wife to her because she couldn't make me happy anymore that's why I stepped out and you was the first girl i never pressured to have sex with you are different you know how they say one day you will meet that one person that makes you want to change and do things different me I hear that but I don't think I can do it because I love me and respect me more enough to allow you to play me on some sucker ish so she asked can we be friends I told her maybe one day but not now I have to go I have company I hope you heal from whatever your still hurting from and have a wonderful life her you to that was the last day I talk to her ...

> Why Is It ok <
© RainbowwGangg