

the forgotten
One beautiful morning I had awoken in the comfort of my luxurious bedroom where I have been spending my vacation in Aruba and had been staring through the dusty window longing to see my best friend that I haven't heard from since I went on vacation and as lonely as in need of my best friend , Liana I cut my vacation a short and went back to my hometown. On my arrival there I quickly went to my best friend's house but she wasn't there just her dog and her belongings so I went to all the places she normally goes but she still wasn't there. I came to conclusion to carry the matter to the police but they said I couldn't report a missing person's report until 48 hours and it was obvious that I was infuriated because she was gone,her phone went straight to voicemail and I sent her several texts but I got no responses."aahhhhhhh" I screamed with mixed emotions and began to sobb as I went back to my house and cried myself to sleep. When I awoken again I returned to the her house but something peculiar occurred , all of her belongings disappeared and her dog was locked in her vacant closet. Millions of thoughts circulated in my head like when an app malfunctions "am I hallucinating?" "Is this real life or just a dream" "where is Liana!" I screamed.
I contacted her again but it went straight to voicemail and soon decided to go around the community and enquire her presence but no one had any recollection of her and asked about my mental health I felt insulted and already in a horrifying mood I stormed out as quick as a blink. Again I went to bed staring at my phone log and pictures of Liana and again became melancholy and fell to sleep. The next morning I got up I yawned and stretched and couldn't find my phone I then looked around and realized I wasnt in my bedroom and it appeared to me that I was in a mentals asylum, "ah hhhhh let me out of here" I screamed before I had fainted when I had regained consciousness I hear a faint voice saying my name at the moment shivers were sent down my spine as they attempted to eat me whole,the voices got louder and louder and soon there was this girl in a blur hovering over me and when I got a good look it was Liana. I hugged her tightly and asked her what's going on she told me the most peculiar thing that I was missing and she got sent to the asylum but I told you were missing and I got sent here but why and who did this additionally I was on a vacation and someone is setting us up maybe for our famous business or because your inheriting your father's money. "Maybe" she replied. I asked why I can't recall coming her last night, she said they gave me an injection that makes you drowsy.
"How are we going to get out" I asked because I haven't heard from any of my relatives to get us out and I'm a bit frightened by all the other persons here. For hours we began conversing on a plan to escape but none of them would work until one. We decided to wait late at night and steal the supervisors clothes when they are bathing and so we did and everyone thought we were supervisors we stealthily escaped and once again could see the outside world and breathe in fresh air but we had to change our appearances before we get caught so we died our hair, I died mine in an aqua colour ombre and Liana died hers in a grey ombre and with that we already looked different additionally we got some tattoos and moved into new apartments and used new identities but we still had to find who did this. We were getting sicken by forcing ourselves to stay in the house for the greater good but boredness got to us and we ended up going out to a little festivitie where we met this girl who we abruptly became friends with. We thought it was right to tell her everything that occured at first she was reluctant to believe it but she said it could be possible. We became closer every day and she told us all about her life. It was a bit fishy.
We were still very suspicious and foolish to trust someone with our secret even though she seemed confidential however we let her stay at our apartment and she was a bit of a party animal but caused us to have the time of our lives having all our others thoughts that fatigued us elude into the darkness. One day we went to visit Liana's father mansion that had a beautiful scenery , lush vegetation and little beach where the golden warm sand caress your foot , the ocean crashes onto the beach while sparkling in the sun and above it was a wide array of beautiful colours that came together to make a picturesque sunset but it was a bad idea to return because we saw a shadowy figure outside our window so we left quickly and went to a new apartment but first threw away everything in the last one and once again got new identities but one by one I began to piece everything together because the police was the only one that u told and I told him first , maybe even the lawyer since she knew about you inheriting everything and even the house keepers. We were shocked by all the possibilities and said that they were all in this for money. Our new friend , Claire told us that some lady by the name of Lisa died , I gasped for a breath of air because I interviewed her and she was the only person who knew who Liana was and said she needs some time to recall . "omg!" Liana shouted. I'm sick and tired of this what are we going to do. We went to our new apartment and fell to sleep in the blink of an eye but I was sleepless so I searched on google Claire's name turns out she was deceived us I knew it she was under the cloud al l the time. She didn't tell us she was in a car accident, went to therapy and the one that made me very bewildered and was very strange was that she has the same last name as Liana and this happened to her too. The next morning I confronted her and interrogated both of them but Liana was clueless but Claire confessed she said that she was the first born sibling and that their mom had an affair and convinced their dad to believe I was his but they never talked about me because dad found out and was too embarrassed that it would ruin their reputation so they stayed together.
I was speechless at that moment and felt so weird to know the truth. Claire continued to say yes that this happens to her but I know it was for the money but I don't know who or what did this. Liana felt betrayed and hated her parents for not telling her about and older sibling as a good friend I comforted her and we just needed a breather and a moment without Claire. I comforted my friend and she dialed her parents number aggressively over and over and over again but there was no response so infuriated as she was he threw her phone across the room and that was not all Liana told Claire to get out , I didn't say anything mainly because I understanded what she was going through. After all of that catastrophe we netflixed and chill but later Liana felt bad and went to see Claire but we didn't excatky know where she lived so we asked her co worker who said she lived in a trailer so we went there to apologize but sh wasn't there so we helped ourselves and went inside and saw our dead relatives. We began to sobb and regret that we trusted here soon she returned and we confronted her she refuse the accuses and immediately we called the police that shot Liana and tied me and confessed to everything he said that we were in this for money you see with your parents gone we would her the mine but we forget he had children so we sent you guys into an asylum and we would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for you guys but Liana fought with him which gave me a chance to get his gun that catapulted across the road I grabbed it and shot him he slowly fell to the ground and bled out we hugged each other tightly and just wanted to take a rest and forget everything that happened.