

Small things...
Mrs Lee the doctor sounded as if he was in the distance Stormy's heart was breaking because she knew he was dead. I'm very sorry but Mr Lee and that's all she heard
as the doctor repeated Ms Lee, Ms Lee.
With tears running Storm looked up is there somebody that I can call for you he asked, no
she said there's noone. The doctor took her hand and sat her down and explained what had happened can I see him she asked.
After leaving the cold room where her husband lay Stormy went back to an empty home. All those years together over in the blink of an eye. An entire year later and everything was as fresh as the day he died
April 3, 2007 I miss you baby she thought.
There was a knock on the door, who is it she said, she put on her robe making her way to the front door. Stormy Lee the man said I'm Carl this is Sam we're from Small Builders you called to get an estimate on an expansion of a room with a sky light. Will...