

Half Decluttered
Literally, when I talk about decluttering do I really mean to be tidy or make things tidy- making my room tidy, my kitchen shelves, my bathroom, my refrigerator and above all my wardrobe ,though whatever comes out of my wardrobe goes inside again but systematically.And after decluttering when I look back again to those things it gives me a sense of relief, comfort, accomplishment ,it refreshes me to see all things bright and vibrant again.
There is something more I wish to add that after decluttering I realised that there are many unwanted things which I have been keeping safe like a treasure and stuffing my place leaving no room for things I wanted.Now, I can say decluttering means giving room to wanted and discarding unwanted.

Can we apply same to ourselves, let's take for an example my brain it's stuffed with so many desired and undesired stuff.Have I ever thought of decluttering it ? I say No, and have no reason to explain .But if I say let me declutter my brain ,I would be wondering what to keep and what to discard, it doesn't seem that simple.So, how it can be simplified? Let me first talk about the opinions of others ,they will simply suggest me to do Yoga and meditation ,suggest to remain focused and keep those irrelevant or unwanted or negative thoughts hovering my mind, at bay.It's like giving simple solutions to complex problem.The most apt solution seems difficult to find .Others can only suggest, but the real solution lies inside us .I would really appreciate if any of my readers would like to share if he or she has to declutter her brain how that can be done? Please post on the comment box.Eagerly waiting 😀
© Shweta k Thapliyal